BCGControlBar Pro for MFC
void CBCGPRibbonColorButton::EnableAutomaticButton ( LPCTSTR  lpszLabel,
COLORREF  colorAutomatic,
BOOL  bEnable = TRUE,
LPCTSTR  lpszToolTip = NULL,
BOOL  bOnTop = TRUE,
BOOL  bDrawBorder = FALSE 

Enables and disables "automatic" button that appears above the regular color buttons.

Call this function to enable and disable "automatic" button and set the automatic color to the specified by colorAutomatic color.

lpszLabelSpecifies the automatic button's text.
colorAutomaticAn RGB value that specifies the automatic button's default color.
bEnableSpecifies whether the automatic button is enabled or disabled.
lpszToolTipSpecifies tooltip of automatic button.
bOnTopAdds automatic button at the top, before color palette.
bDrawBorderSpecifies whether to draw a border around the color bar on the ribbon color button. (Color bar displays the currently selected color).