BCGControlBar Pro for MFC
CBCGPRibbonQuickStepsButton::CBCGPRibbonQuickStepsButton ( UINT  nID,
LPCTSTR  lpszText,
int  nSmallImageIndex,
int  nLargeImageIndex,
UINT  uiImagesPaletteResID = 0,
int  cxPaletteImage = 16,
int  nColumns = 2 


nIDSpecifies the button command ID.
lpszTextSpecifies the button text.
nSmallImageIndexZero-based index of button's image in the image list of small icons.
nLargeImageIndexZero-based index of the button's image in the list of large images.
uiImagesPaletteResIDResource id of image list with gallery images.
cxPaletteImageSpecifies the width, in pixels, of gallery image.
nColumnsA number of gallery columns.