BCGSoft Professional Editor for MFC
virtual BOOL CBCGPEditCtrl::InvokeSymList ( CObList &  lstIntelliSenseData,
CPoint  ptTopLeft 

Invokes the IntelliSense-like listbox with the list of symbols (images).

Nonzero if the IntelliSense list box has been successfully shown; otherwise 0. One of the reasons of failure can be lack of data to display (lstIntelliSenseData is empty).

It's called internally if symbol support is enabled.

InvokeSymList always uses the current caret position (m_nCurrOffset) when calculates the top-left corner of IntelliSense window.

You should override the second version of InvokeSymList (that takes parameters) if you need to supply a custom list box class (CBCGPSymImagesLB).

lstIntelliSenseDataThe list of IntelliSense data to be displayed. If the list is empty the IntelliSense list box won't be shown.
ptTopLeftThe top-left corner of IntelliSense window.