BCGSoft Professional Editor for MFC
Getting Started
  • Make sure that install dir\SOURCE directory is added to INCLUDE path and Bin* is added to LIBRARY path.
  • Add the following include to the stdafx.h file:
    #include ""BCGCBProInc.h"
  • If you want to take advantage of CBCGPEditView, just create a standard MFC project and replace CView with CBCGPEditView
  • If you want to use CBCGPEditView with CBCGPEditCtrl-derived class you need to derive a class from CBCGPEditView and override CBCGPEditView::CreateEdit in the following way:
    CBCGPEditCtrl* CMyEditorView::CreateEdit()
    m_pEdit = new CCustomEditCtrl;
    return m_pEdit;
  • Use CBCGPEditView::GetEditCtrl to obtain the pointer to edit control
  • If you want to use CBCGPEditCtrl class in a dialog just embed a CBCGPEditCtrl object in the dialog object and call CBCGPEditCtrl::Create in OnInitDialog.
  • For advanced technique, please, see the following examples located in install dir\Samples directory: