BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

This is the Dialogs and Forms Notifications group

 BCGM_ONSETCONTROLAEROThe message is sent to the control when an DWM support is enabled or disabled for this control.
 BCGM_ONSETCONTROLVMMODEThe message is sent to the control when a Visual Manager theme support is enabled or disabled for this control.
 BCGM_ONCLICKINFOTIPThe message is sent to the dialog when user clicks an information tip.
 BCGM_ONDRAWCUSTOMINFOTIPThe message is sent to the dialog before the framework draws the control information tip.
 BCGM_ONDRAWNCSPECIALAREAThe message is sent to the dialog upon calling CBCGPDialog::DoDrawSpecialAreaOnNC method.