BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

This is the Chart Notifications group

 BCGM_ON_CHART_LEGEND_AFTER_DRAWThe framework sends the BCGM_ON_CHART_LEGEND_AFTER_DRAW registered message to an owner of chart visual object when the drawing has been completed.
 BCGM_ON_CHART_LEGEND_CONTENT_CREATEDThe message is sent to the chart legend owner after legend was created or its content was updated.
 BCGM_ON_CHART_LEGEND_MOUSE_DOWNThe framework sends the BCGM_ON_CHART_LEGEND_MOUSE_DOWN message when the legend visual object receives a mouse button down notification.
 BCGM_ON_CHART_LEGEND_MOUSE_UPThe framework sends the BCGM_ON_CHART_LEGEND_MOUSE_UP message when the legend visual object receives a mouse up down notification.
 BCGM_ON_CHART_MOUSE_TRACKThe framework sends the BCGM_ON_CHART_MOUSE_TRACK message when you enable mouse tracking with CBCGPChartVisualObject::EnableMouseTrackingMode.
 BCGM_ON_CHART_MOUSE_DOWNThe framework sends the BCGM_ON_CHART_MOUSE_DOWN message when the chart visual object receives a mouse button down notification.
 BCGM_ON_CHART_MOUSE_UPThe framework sends the BCGM_ON_CHART_MOUSE_UP message when the chart visual object receives a mouse up down notification.
 BCGM_ON_CHART_AFTER_DRAWThe framework sends the BCGM_ON_CHART_AFTER_DRAW registered message to an owner of chart visual object when the drawing has been completed.
 BCGM_ON_CHART_AFTER_RECALC_LAYOUTThe framework sends the BCGM_ON_CHART_AFTER_RECALC_LAYOUT when the chart has recalculated its layout.