BCGSuite for MFC
int CBCGPGanttConnection::m_LinkType

Specifies the connection type.

This field represents a connection type. There are 4 types of connections:

  • BCGPGANTTLINK_START_TO_START: start of the source item (m_pSourceItem) connected to the start of destination item (m_pDestItem)
  • BCGPGANTTLINK_START_TO_FINISH: start of the source item (m_pSourceItem) connected to the end of destination item (m_pDestItem)
  • BCGPGANTTLINK_FINISH_TO_START: end of the source item (m_pSourceItem) connected to the start of destination item (m_pDestItem)
  • BCGPGANTTLINK_FINISH_TO_FINISH: end of the source item (m_pSourceItem) connected to the end of destination item (m_pDestItem)