BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

This is the Calendar and Planner Notifications group

 BCGM_CALENDAR_ON_SELCHANGEDThis message is sent to owner of calendar bar control when selected date has been changed.
 BCGM_CALENDAR_ON_MONTHCHANGEDThis message is sent to owner of calendar bar control when selected month has been changed.
 BCGP_PLANNER_ADD_APPOINTMENTThe message is sent to the parent of CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl when the new appointment has been added to the Planner Control.
 BCGP_PLANNER_BEFORE_UPDATE_APPOINTMENTSent by the framework before an appointment has been updated.
 BCGP_PLANNER_UPDATE_APPOINTMENTThe message is sent to the parent of CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl when an appointment has been updated in the Planner Control.
 BCGP_PLANNER_REMOVE_APPOINTMENTThe message is sent to the parent of CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl when an appointment has been removed from the Planner Control.
 BCGP_PLANNER_REMOVE_ALL_APPOINTMENTSThe message is sent to the parent of CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl when all appointments have been removed from the Planner Control.
 BCGP_PLANNER_BEFORE_SELECT_APPOINTMENTThe message is sent to the parent of planner control before an appointment has been selected or unselected.
 BCGP_PLANNER_SELECT_APPOINTMENTSent by the framework after an appointment has been selected.
 BCGP_PLANNER_RESOURCEID_CHANGEDSent to the parent of planner control when the current Resource ID in the multi resource view has changed.
 BCGP_PLANNER_DAYCAPTION_CLICKSent by the Planner control to its parent when the user clicks a day caption in the weekly or monthly view.
 BCGP_PLANNER_WEEKCAPTION_CLICKSent by the Planner control to its parent when the user clicks a week caption in the monthly view.