BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

This is the WinUI Tiles Notifications group

 BCGM_ON_CLICK_WINUI_UI_TILEThe message is sent to the owner of WinUI Tiles (CBCGPWinUITiles) when the user clicks a tile.
 BCGM_ON_CLICK_WINUI_GROUP_CAPTIONThe message is sent to the owner of WinUI Tiles (CBCGPWinUITiles) when the user clicks a group caption.
 BCGM_ON_CLICK_WINUI_CAPTION_BUTTONThe message is sent to the owner of WinUI Tiles (CBCGPWinUITiles) when the user clicks a caption button.
 BCGM_ON_CLICK_WINUI_NAV_BACK_BUTTONThe message is sent to the owner of WinUI Tiles (CBCGPWinUITiles) when the user clicks a navigation "Back" button.
 BCGM_ON_CREATE_WINUI_VIEWThe message is sent to the owner of WinUI Tiles (CBCGPWinUITiles) after view window was created.
 BCGM_ON_CLOSE_WINUI_VIEWThe message is sent to the owner of WinUI Tiles (CBCGPWinUITiles) after view window was destroyed.