BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPMiniFrameWnd class implements the functionality of a window that can contain one control bar. This control bar takes up all the client area of the mini frame window. A control bar contained in a mini frame window called "floating control bar".

CBCGPMiniFrameWnd objects are created automatically by the framework when control bars are switched from the docked to floating state.

A mini-frame window may be dragged with its context (immediate docking) or using drag rectangle (standard docking). The type of the dragging is selected according to the docking mode of the contained control bar (CBCGPControlBar::GetDockMode).

A mini-frame window may display buttons on the caption according to the contained bar style. If the bar can be closed (CBCGPBaseControlBar::CanBeClosed) it displays the close button. If the bar can be rolled up (has CBRS_BCGP_AUTO_ROLLUP style) it displays a pin button.

If you want to derive a class from CBCGPMiniFrameWnd, you need tell the framework how to create it. You have two options: either override CBCGPControlBar::CreateDefaultMiniframe and create your class there or set the CBCGPControlBar::m_pMiniFrameRTC member to the pointer to runtime class information of your class.

+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPMiniFrameWnd:

Public Member Functions

 CalcBorderSizeCalled by the framework to calculate the size of a mini-frame window borders.
 ControlBarFromPointReturns a control bar contained in the mini-frame if the given point is inside this control bar.
 CreateCreates the Windows mini-frame window and attaches it to the CBCGPMiniFrameWnd object.
 CreateExCreates the Windows mini-frame window and attaches it to the CBCGPMiniFrameWnd object.
 DockControlBarCauses a control bar to be docked to the mini-frame window.
 GetCaptionHeightReturns the height of the mini-frame window caption.
 GetCaptionRectCalculates the bounding rectangle of a mini-frame window caption.
 GetCaptionTextReturns the caption text.
 GetControlBarReturns a control bar contained in the mini-frame window.
 GetControlBarCountReturns the number of control bars contained in a mini-frame window.
 GetFirstVisibleBarReturns a pointer to the first visible control bar contained in a mini-frame.
 GetVisibleBarCountReturns the number of visible control bars contained in a mini-frame window.
 IsActiveTells whether a mini frame is active, or not.
 IsRollDownCalled by the framework to determine whether a mini-frame window should be rolled down.
 IsRollUpCalled by the framework to determine whether a mini-frame window should be rolled up.
 IsWsCaptionStyleTells whether a window with themed non-client area is created with WS_CAPTION style.
 OnBarRecalcLayoutCalled by the framework when it needs to adjust the layout of a contained control bar.
 OnShowControlBarCalled by the framework when a contained control bar has been shown or hidden.
 SizeToContentAdjusts size of a mini-frame window to the size of a contained control bar.

Static Public Member Functions

 BringAllMiniFramesToWorkAreaMoves all mini frame windows located outside the work area to the current work area.
 FindFloatingBarByIDLooks for a toolbar with the specified control ID in the global list of floating control bars.
 RedrawAllRedraws all mini-frame windows.

Static Public Attributes

 m_bUseSaveBitsSpecifies whether to register the window class with CS_SAVEBITS or not.

Protected Member Functions

 AddButtonAdds a new button to the caption.
 OnCheckRollStateCalled by the framework to determine whether a roll up mini-frame window should be rolled up or down.
 OnDrawBorderCalled by the framework to draw borders of a mini-frame window.
 RemoveAllCaptionButtonsRemoves all caption buttons.
 RemoveButtonRemoves the caption button specified by nHit.
 ReplaceButtonReplaces the caption button.
 ShowButtonShows or hides the caption button.