BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

This structure defines message box parameters and is used to display themed message boxes with additional options.

To display a message box, fill the structure and pass it to BCGPMessageBoxIndirect. See MessageBoxDemo sample for more details.


Public Attributes

 bDrawButtonsBannerSpecifies whether to draw a banner in "buttons" area.
 bHeaderWordBreakSpecifies whether the header text is multi-line or not. The default value is TRUE
 bIgnoreStandardButtonsSpecifies whether to ignore standard buttons.
 bIsCheckedSpecifies whether to set the state of additional check box to "checked".
 bMessageWordBreakSpecifies whether the message text is multi-line or not. The default value is TRUE
 bShowCheckBoxSpecifies whether to add a check box to the message box.
 bShowSeparatorSpecifies whether to show a separator between "message" and "buttons" areas.
 bUseNativeCaptionSpecifies whether to display native, or themed caption bar.
 bUseNativeControlsSpecifies whether to display native, or themed controls.
 hfontButtonsButtons custom font.
 hfontTextThe message box text custom font.
 lpszCheckBoxTextSpecifies check box text.
 lpszHeaderSpecifies header text.
 lpszUserButtonTextSpecifies text of custom buttons.
 m_bNoIdleMsgSpecifies whether message box should process application's messages in the idle time.
 m_LightBoxOptionsSpecifies light box options (used in CBCGPMessageLightBox only).
 m_pCustomMsgBoxRTISpecifies a message box runtime class. Should be derived from CBCGPMessageBox or CBCGPMessageLightBox.
 puiAutoRespondContains ID of message box result.
 uiUserButtonIDSpecifies IDs of user defined buttons.