BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

Call CBCGPRibbonBar::SetCommandSearchOptions to specify the command search options.

Public Attributes

 m_bAlwaysRebuildResultsMenuSpecifies whether commands menu should be rebuild after each typing.
 m_bSearchInHiddenCategoriesSpecifies whether commands from the hidden categories should be included in the search results or not.
 m_bSuppressDisabledCommandsSpecifies whether currently disabled commands should be included in the search results or not.
 m_clrHighlightedSpecifies search results highlighted area background color.
 m_clrHighlightedTextSpecifies search results highlighted area foreground color.
 m_IconSpecifies command search icon type.
 m_LocationSpecifies command search location.
 m_nMaxResultsSpecifies the maximum results (default is 5).