BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

The BCGP_GRID_COLOR_DATA structure defines the Grid Control color theme.

You can fill this structure partially if you don't want to control painting of all elements of the grid control.

You can later just call CBCGPGridCtrl::SetColorTheme to apply the theme to the grid control.

A theme can be created in the following way:

static BCGP_GRID_COLOR_DATA theme1 =
-1, // Grid background color
-1, // Grid foreground color
-1, // Header foreground color
{ // Even rows colors:
RGB(246, 250, 253), -1, -1, 0, -1
{ // Odd rows colors:
-1, -1, -1, 0, -1
{ // Group colors:
RGB(210, 230, 249), RGB(16, 37, 127), RGB(228, 241, 251), 90, -1
{ // Selected group colors:
RGB(250, 199, 97), RGB(0, 0, 0), -1, 0, RGB(192, 192, 192)
{ // Selected rows colors:
RGB(255, 229, 153), -1, -1, 0, RGB(192, 192, 192)
{ // Header item colors:
RGB(154, 194, 237), RGB(16, 37, 127), RGB(189, 214, 242), 90, RGB(136, 176, 228)
{ // Selected header item colors:
-1, -1, -1, 0, -1
{ // Left offset colors:
RGB(207, 221, 240), -1, RGB(227, 234, 244), 90, RGB(136, 176, 228)
-1, // Grid horizontal line text
-1, // Grid vertical line text
See also

Inherited by CBCGPGridColors.


struct  ColorData

Public Attributes

 m_clrBackgroundGrid background color
 m_clrHorzLineGrid horizontal line text
 m_clrPreviewTextDescription text color
 m_clrTextGrid foreground color
 m_clrVertLineGrid vertical line text
 m_EvenColorsEven rows color
 m_GroupColorsGroup colors
 m_GroupSelColorsSelected group colors
 m_HeaderColorsHeader item color
 m_HeaderSelColorsSelected header item color
 m_LeftOffsetColorsLeft offset colors
 m_OddColorsOdd rows color
 m_SelColorsSelected rows color