BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

Public Member Functions

 BCGP_GRID_FILTERBAR_OPTIONSConstructs the object.

Public Attributes

 m_bAutoExpandGroupsSpecifies whether groups (items with sub-items) will be automatically expanded when sub-item is included in the filtering results.
 m_bCaseSensitiveSpecifies whether the filter is case sensitive or not.
 m_bIncludeGroupsSpecifies whether groups (items with sub-items) should be included in the filtering results.
 m_clrMarkBackgroundThe highlighted (marked) text background color.
 m_clrMarkTextThe highlighted (marked) text foreground color.
 m_colorsSpecifies filter bar colors.
 m_lpszPromptSpecifies a text string to be displayed as a prompt in empty filter edit boxes.
 m_pListOfColumnIndexesContains a list of indexes of columns to display filter boxes. If this member is NULL, filter boxes will be displayed under all column headers.