BCGControlBar Pro for MFC
BCGP_APPOINTMENT_DS_BORDER CBCGPAppointmentDrawStruct::GetBorder ( ) const

Returns the border type.


The one of the following values defined by the BCGP_APPOINTMENT_DS_BORDER enumerator:

  • BCGP_APPOINTMENT_DS_BORDER_NONE - no border is rendered
  • BCGP_APPOINTMENT_DS_BORDER_START - the appointment area includes the start of an event
  • BCGP_APPOINTMENT_DS_BORDER_FINISH - the appointment area includes the end of an event
  • BCGP_APPOINTMENT_DS_BORDER_ALL - the appointment area to be rendered includes both the start and the end of an event

This function is used to determine the type of border to be drawn around the appointment.