C_BCGCBITEMINFO | Shell item information |
C_BCGPMARGINS | Window DWM ("Glass") area margins definition. |
CBCGP_BASE_UNDO_DATA | Edit control undo data |
CBCGP_CustomFolders | Custom ("Quick access") folders information |
CBCGP_DIAGRAM_ITEM_INFO | Diagram item information. |
CBCGP_EDIT_OUTLINE_CHANGES | Keeps data of all removed and inserted outline blocks. |
CBCGP_EDIT_SYM_DEF | Edit control symbol definition |
CBCGP_EDIT_UNDO_ACTION | Edit control undo action |
CBCGP_EDIT_UNDO_OUTLINE_DATA | Edit control undo outline data. |
CBCGP_FILTER_COLUMN_INFO | Grid column filter information. |
CBCGP_GANTT_CHART_COLORS | Gantt chart colors theme definition |
CBCGP_GANTT_CHART_HEADER_CELL_INFO | Gantt Chart control header cells definition. |
CBCGP_GLOBAL_DATA_DPI | Contains the DPI-specific global data used across application |
►CBCGP_GRID_COLOR_DATA | Grid control color theme definition |
CBCGP_GRID_FILTER_PARAM | Grid control column filter information |
CBCGP_GRID_FILTERBAR_OPTIONS | Grid control filter bar options |
CBCGP_GRID_FILTERBAR_PARAM | Grid control filter bar data |
CBCGP_GRID_FINDREPLACE_PARAM | Grid find and replace data |
CBCGP_MSGBOXPARAMS | Message box options |
CBCGPChartCellParams | Contains visual parameters of individual legend cell (key, label, chart name or custom cell) |
CBCGPChartDataLabelOptions | Defines options for Chart data labels. |
CBCGPChartDataTableOptions | Defines options that can be applied to Chart Data Table |
CBCGPChartFormatArea | Defines options that can be applied to Chart areas |
CBCGPChartFormatDataLabel | Defines options that can be applied to Chart data labels. |
CBCGPChartFormatDataTable | Defines options that can be applied to Chart data table |
CBCGPChartFormatLabel | Defines options that can be applied to Chart labels |
CBCGPChartFormatLegendTable | Defines formatting options that can be applied to a table located inside Chart legend |
CBCGPChartFormatLine | Defines options that can be applied to Chart lines |
CBCGPChartFormatMarker | Defines options that can be applied to data markers |
CBCGPChartFormatSelection | Defines options that can be applied to selected areas |
CBCGPChartFormatSeries | Defines formatting options that can be applied to a Chart series or to individual Chart data points |
CBCGPChartHitInfo | Chart hit testing info |
CBCGPChartLayout | Defines Chart layout |
CBCGPChartLegendHitInfo | Describes legend hit test information |
CBCGPChartMarkerOptions | Defines options that can be applied to Chart data markers |
CBCGPChartMouseConfig | Defines mouse configuration for zoom and scroll operations in Chart |
CBCGPChartSmartLabelParams | Defines parameters for Chart "smart labels" algorithms |
CBCGPGLOBAL_DATA | Contains the global data used across application |
CBCGPGRID_DISPINFO | Grid callback info |
CBCGPGRID_ITEM | Describes a grid item |
CBCGPGRID_ITEM_INFO | Grid item information |
CBCGPGRID_NOTIFICATION | Grid notification data |
CBCGPHLS | HLS structure. |
CBCGPSCROLLBAR_COLOR_THEME | Scrollbar control custom color theme definition. |
CBCGPSCROLLBAR_DRAW_INFO | Owner-draw scroll bar info |
CBCGPSeriesColors | Chart series color info |
CBCGPSeriesColorsPtr | Chart series color info |
CBlockType | Edit control block type definition |
CCBCGPADOGridCtrl | Grid control integrated with database using ADO |
CCBCGPAnalogClock | Analog clock gauge |
CCBCGPAnalogClockCtrl | Analog clock control. |
CCBCGPAnimationManager | Animation Manager. |
CCBCGPAnimationManagerOptions | Animation manager options. |
CCBCGPAnimCtrl | Animation control |
►CCBCGPAppBarWnd | Implements the functionality of application desktop toolbar. |
CCBCGPAppointment | Planner single appointment |
CCBCGPAppointmentBaseMultiStorage | Base class to store appointments for multiple resources |
CCBCGPAppointmentBaseProperty | Appointment base property |
CCBCGPAppointmentBaseResourceInfo | Abstract class, which defines an interface that should be implemented to allow callers retrieve information about a Resource. |
CCBCGPAppointmentBaseStorage | Appointment base storage |
CCBCGPAppointmentDrawStruct | Appointment Drawing options |
CCBCGPAppointmentDrawStructEx | Stores the information required to render or print an appointment (event) |
CCBCGPAppointmentDSMap | Stores the array of data used to render or print appointments. |
CCBCGPAppointmentMultiStorage | Class to store appointments for multiple resources. |
CCBCGPAppointmentProperty | Appointment property |
CCBCGPAppointmentPropertyImages | Appointment property images |
CCBCGPAppointmentPropertyList | Appointment properties list |
CCBCGPAppointmentStorage | Base class of calendar control appointments storage. |
CCBCGPAppOptions | Application general options |
CCBCGPArcSegment | Complex geometry arc segment |
CCBCGPAutoHideButton | Auto-hide toolbar button. |
CCBCGPAutoHideDockBar | Auto-hide docking bar implementation. |
CCBCGPAutoHideToolBar | Auto-hide toolbar implementation. |
CCBCGPBarContainer | Bar container |
CCBCGPBarContainerManager | Bar container manager. |
CCBCGPBaseChartImpl | Base chart implementation |
CCBCGPBaseChartStockSeries | Chart basic stock series |
CCBCGPBaseControlBar | Provides the base functionality for all control bars. |
CCBCGPBaseIntelliSenseLB | Edit control IntelliSense base list box |
CCBCGPBaseRibbonElement | Base class of all Ribbon controls |
CCBCGPBaseTabbedBar | Base tabbed bar windows |
CCBCGPBaseTabImpl | A base abstract tab implementation class. |
CCBCGPBaseToolBar | Base toolbar class |
CCBCGPBaseTreeMapNode | A base tree map node class. |
CCBCGPBaseVisualCtrl | Base visual control window |
CCBCGPBaseVisualObject | Base visual object |
CCBCGPBezierSegment | Complex geometry Bezier segment |
CCBCGPBitwiseProp | Property grid bitwise property object |
CCBCGPBreadcrumb | Breadcrumb control |
CCBCGPBrush | Brush functionality implementation. |
CCBCGPBrushButton | Push button with the brush preview which invokes an edit brush dialog |
CCBCGPBrushGradientStop | Brush gradient stop functionality implementation. |
CCBCGPBrushProp | Property grid brush property object |
CCBCGPBrushSelector | GDI brush selector. |
CCBCGPButton | Push button control |
CCBCGPCalculator | Calculator Window |
CCBCGPCalendar | Calendar window |
CCBCGPCalendarBar | Calendar Bar |
CCBCGPCalendarColors | Calendar color theme definition |
CCBCGPCalendarMenuButton | Toolbar button with a drop-down calendar window. |
CCBCGPCaptionBar | Caption bar window |
CCBCGPCaptionButton | Docking pane caption button |
CCBCGPChartADODataProvider | Chart DAO data provider. |
CCBCGPChartAdvancedBandsFormula | Chart Advance Bands Formula |
CCBCGPChartAdvancedFormula | Chart Advance Formula |
CCBCGPChartAreaSeries | Chart area series |
CCBCGPChartAxis | Chart Axis implementation |
CCBCGPChartAxisMarkObject | Chart axis mark object |
CCBCGPChartAxisPolarX | Polar/Radar Chart X Axis |
CCBCGPChartAxisPolarY | Polar/Radar Chart Y Axis |
CCBCGPChartAxisScaleBreak | Describes an axis scale break. |
CCBCGPChartAxisX | Chart X Axis |
CCBCGPChartAxisY | Chart Y Axis |
CCBCGPChartAxisZ | Chart Z Axis |
CCBCGPChartBarSeries | Chart bar series |
CCBCGPChartBaseEffect | Chart base effect |
CCBCGPChartBaseFormula | Chart base formula |
CCBCGPChartBollingerBandsFormula | Bollinger Bands (BB) technical indicator. |
CCBCGPChartBoxPlotData | Chart box-plot data |
CCBCGPChartBoxPlotSeries | Chart box-plot series |
CCBCGPChartBubbleSeries | Chart bubble series |
CCBCGPChartColors | Chart Color Theme used by CBCGPVisualManager |
CCBCGPChartCtrl | Chart control implementation |
CCBCGPChartDAODataProvider | Chart DAO data provider. |
CCBCGPChartData | Chart data |
CCBCGPChartDataPoint | Chart data point |
CCBCGPChartDataProvider | Chart data provider base class. |
CCBCGPChartDiagram3D | Chart diagram 3D |
CCBCGPChartDoughnutSeries | Chart doughnut series |
CCBCGPChartErrorBarsFormula | Chart error bar formula |
CCBCGPChartFunnelSeries | Chart funnel series |
CCBCGPChartHistogramSeries | Chart histogram series |
CCBCGPChartHistoricalLineSeries | Chart historical line series |
CCBCGPChartInterLineColoringEffect | Chart interline coloring effect |
CCBCGPChartLegendCell | Represents an individual chart legend cell |
CCBCGPChartLegendCtrl | Encapsulates a legend visual object |
CCBCGPChartLegendEntry | Encapsulates a list of cells; represents a legend "row" |
CCBCGPChartLegendVisualObject | Implements the functionality of advanced legend |
CCBCGPChartLineObject | Chart line object |
CCBCGPChartLineSeries | Chart line series |
CCBCGPChartLongSeries | Chart long series |
CCBCGPChartMACDFormula | Implements MACD (Moving Average Convergence/Divergence) financial indicator. |
CCBCGPChartMAENVFormula | Moving Average Envelops (MAENV) technical indicator. |
CCBCGPChartMAFormula | Chart moving average formula |
CCBCGPChartObject | Chart object implementation |
CCBCGPChartODBCDataProvider | Chart ODBC data provider. |
CCBCGPChartPercentSeries | Chart percent series |
CCBCGPChartPieSeries | Chart pie series |
CCBCGPChartPolarSeries | Chart polar series |
CCBCGPChartPyramidSeries | Chart pyramid series |
CCBCGPChartRangeObject | Chart range object |
CCBCGPChartRotateData | Chart rotation data |
CCBCGPChartRSIFormula | Implements RSI financial indicator. |
CCBCGPChartScaleBreakOptions | Structure describes chart axis scale break options. |
CCBCGPChartSeries | Chart series implementation |
CCBCGPChartSeriesColorTheme | Chart Series Color Theme |
CCBCGPChartShape3D | Chart 3D shape |
CCBCGPChartShape3DCube | Chart 3D cube shape |
CCBCGPChartShape3DWall | Chart 3D wall |
CCBCGPChartSide3D | Chart 3D side shape |
CCBCGPChartStochasticFormula | Implements Stochastic Oscillator. |
CCBCGPChartStockData | Chart stock data |
CCBCGPChartStockSeries | Chart stock series |
CCBCGPChartSurfaceSeries | Chart surface series |
CCBCGPChartTernaryAxis | Ternary chart axis implementation. |
CCBCGPChartTernarySeries | Chart ternary series |
CCBCGPChartTextObject | Chart text object |
CCBCGPChartTheme | Chart Theme definition |
CCBCGPChartThemeColors | Chart colors definition |
CCBCGPChartTransitionFormula | Chart transition formula |
CCBCGPChartTrendFormula | Chart trend formula |
CCBCGPChartValue | Chart value |
CCBCGPChartView | Chart view |
CCBCGPChartVisualObject | Chart diagram implementation |
CCBCGPCheckComboBox | Checked combo box control |
CCBCGPCheckListBox | Checked list box control. |
CCBCGPCircularGaugeColors | Circular gauge colors definition |
CCBCGPCircularGaugeCtrl | Circular gauge control |
CCBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | Circular gauge implementation class |
CCBCGPCircularGaugePointer | Implements a circular gauge pointer. |
CCBCGPCircularGaugeScale | Circular gauge scale. |
CCBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorColors | Circular progress indicator colors definition |
CCBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorCtrl | Circular progress control |
CCBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorImpl | Circular progress indicator implementation class |
CCBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorOptions | Circular progress indicator options |
CCBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorRenderer | Circular progress window-based drawing helper. |
CCBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorRendererBase | Circular progress drawing helper. |
CCBCGPColor | Color functionality implementation. |
CCBCGPColorBar | Color bar window |
CCBCGPColorButton | The push button with color picker functionality. |
CCBCGPColorComboBox | Color combo box control. |
CCBCGPColorDialog | MS Office-style color selection dialog. |
CCBCGPColorIndicatorColors | Color indicator colors. |
CCBCGPColorIndicatorImpl | Color indicator implementation. |
CCBCGPColorListProp | Property grid color list property object |
CCBCGPColorMenuButton | Toolbar button with drop-down color picker window. |
CCBCGPColorPickerCtrl | Power color picker control |
CCBCGPColorProp | Property grid color property object |
CCBCGPComboBox | Combo box control |
CCBCGPComboEdit | Edit box used in Toolbar combo box |
CCBCGPCommandItemCustomBadge | Custom notification badge data |
CCBCGPCommandManager | Command manager |
CCBCGPComplexGeometry | Complex geometry implementation |
CCBCGPContextMenuManager | Context menu manager. |
CCBCGPControlBar | Control bar window |
CCBCGPControlInfoTip | Control information tip data. |
CCBCGPControlsLayout | Control layout implementation. |
CCBCGPDAOGridCtrl | Grid controls with DAO support. |
CCBCGPDateTimeCtrl | Date/time picker control |
CCBCGPDateTimeList | Date/time list control. |
CCBCGPDateTimeListPopup | CBCGPDateTimeListPopup is a popup window with embedded date/time list. |
CCBCGPDateTimeListPopupOptions | CBCGPDateTimeListPopup options. |
CCBCGPDateTimeProp | Property grid date/time property object |
CCBCGPDateTimePropAttributes | Property grid date/time attributes |
CCBCGPDBGridCtrl | Grid control with database support |
CCBCGPDiagramAnchorPoint | Diagram anchor point. |
CCBCGPDiagramConnector | Diagram connector object. |
CCBCGPDiagramCustomShape | Diagram custom shape object. |
CCBCGPDiagramImageObject | Diagram image object. |
CCBCGPDiagramItemID | Diagram item identifier. |
CCBCGPDiagramShape | Diagram shape object. |
CCBCGPDiagramTableShape | Diagram data table shape. |
CCBCGPDiagramTextDataObject | Diagram text data object. |
CCBCGPDiagramView | Diagram view |
CCBCGPDiagramVisualContainer | Diagram container. |
CCBCGPDiagramVisualContainerCtrl | Diagram visual container control |
CCBCGPDiagramVisualObject | Diagram visual object. |
CCBCGPDialog | Advanced dialog box class. |
CCBCGPDialogBar | Docking pane created from the dialog resource. |
CCBCGPDigitalClock | Numeric clock indicator implementation. |
CCBCGPDigitalClockCtrl | Digital clock control. |
CCBCGPDlgImpl | Dialog window implementation. |
CCBCGPDockBar | Docking control bars side |
CCBCGPDockBarRow | Docking bar row |
CCBCGPDockingCBWrapper | Helper class that is used to provide docking support for CWnd - derived control bars. |
CCBCGPDockingControlBar | Docking control bar window |
CCBCGPDockManager | Docking panes manager |
CCBCGPDragFrameImpl | Control bar drag frame implementation |
CCBCGPDragListBox | List box control with items dragging support. |
CCBCGPDrawManager | Drawing manager |
CCBCGPDropDownToolBar | Drop-down toolbar |
CCBCGPDropDownToolbarButton | Drop-down toolbar button |
CCBCGPDurationCtrl | Time duration control |
CCBCGPEdit | Edit control |
CCBCGPEditBrushDlg | Brush editing dialog box. |
CCBCGPEditBrushOptions | Edit brush options |
CCBCGPEditColors | Edit box color theme definition |
CCBCGPEditCtrl | Advanced edit control |
CCBCGPEditErrorIndicator | Edit control error indicator data |
CCBCGPEditListBase | Edit list box base class |
CCBCGPEditListBox | Edit list box control |
CCBCGPEditMarker | Edit control marker definition class. |
CCBCGPEditView | Edit view |
CCBCGPEditVisualObject | Edit box hosted on the visual container implementation. |
CCBCGPEllipse | Ellipse implementation |
CCBCGPEllipseGeometry | Elliptical geometry implementation |
CCBCGPExplorerToolBar | Explorer-style toolbar |
CCBCGPFileDialog | File dialog box with new and recent pages |
CCBCGPFileDialogEx | A themed File Dialog box. |
CCBCGPFileDialogOptions | Themed File Dialog options. |
CCBCGPFilePane | A themed File Dialog pane |
CCBCGPFileProp | Property grid file property object |
CCBCGPFindReplaceDialogThemed | Themed (visual manager-enabled) find/replace dialog. |
CCBCGPFolderPickerDialog | A themed Folder Picker Dialog box. |
CCBCGPFontComboBox | Font combo box control |
CCBCGPFontDesc | Font description data |
CCBCGPFontDialog | Font dialog class |
CCBCGPFontProp | Property grid font property object |
CCBCGPFontSelector | GDI font selector. |
CCBCGPFormView | Advanced form view class. |
CCBCGPFrameCaptionBarOptions | Frame caption bar options |
CCBCGPFrameImpl | Frame window implementation |
CCBCGPFrameWnd | SDI frame window |
CCBCGPGanttChart | Gantt chart control |
CCBCGPGanttConnection | Gantt chart connection |
CCBCGPGanttControl | Gantt chart control |
CCBCGPGanttGrid | Gantt chart grid control |
CCBCGPGanttItem | Gantt chart item |
CCBCGPGanttItemStorageBase | Gantt chart items storage |
CCBCGPGanttView | Gantt chart view |
CCBCGPGaugeColoredRangeObject | The gauge colored range. |
CCBCGPGaugeColors | Gauge colors object |
CCBCGPGaugeDataObject | Gauge data object base class. |
CCBCGPGaugeEffects | Gauge effects object |
CCBCGPGaugeImpl | Implements basic functionality for all Gauges. |
CCBCGPGaugeLevelBarObject | The gauge level bar. |
CCBCGPGaugeScaleColors | Gauge scale colors object |
CCBCGPGaugeScaleObject | Gauge scale object |
CCBCGPGeometry | Base Geometry implementation class |
CCBCGPGeometryGroup | Geometry group implementation |
CCBCGPGestureBase | Base class of the Windows gestures manager. |
CCBCGPGestureConfig | Gesture events configuration. |
CCBCGPGestureManager | Gesture manager. |
CCBCGPGlobalUtils | Static class that provides a set of various global services. |
CCBCGPGraphicsManager | The graphics rendering manager |
CCBCGPGraphicsManagerHelper | The graphics manager helper class. |
CCBCGPGraphicsManagerParams | Graphics Managers additional parameters. |
CCBCGPGraphicsResource | The root interface for all resources |
CCBCGPGridCache | Grid control virtual data cache |
CCBCGPGridCheckItem | Grid control check box/switch item |
CCBCGPGridColorItem | Grid control color item |
CCBCGPGridColumnsInfo | Grid controls columns information data |
CCBCGPGridColumnsInfoEx | Grid control column extended information |
CCBCGPGridColumnsItem | Grid control single column information |
CCBCGPGridCtrl | Advanced Grid control. |
CCBCGPGridDateTimeItem | Grid control date/time item |
CCBCGPGridFilter | Implements the default callback function, stores filter info for one or all columns. |
CCBCGPGridFilterEdit | Grid control filter bar edit box |
CCBCGPGridItem | Grid control item |
CCBCGPGridItemID | Grid item identifier |
CCBCGPGridMergedCells | Grid control merged cell information. |
CCBCGPGridNotificationBadge | Grid control notification badge |
CCBCGPGridPage | Grid control print page |
CCBCGPGridPageInfo | Grid control print page information |
CCBCGPGridPopupDlgItem | Grid control popup dialog item |
CCBCGPGridRange | Grid cells range helper |
CCBCGPGridRow | Grid control row |
CCBCGPGridSerializeManager | Grid serialize manager |
CCBCGPGridSparklineDataPoint | The data point used in Grid Spark lines. |
CCBCGPGridSparklineItem | Grid Spark lines item. |
CCBCGPGridURLItem | Grid control link item |
CCBCGPGridView | CView - derived window with embedded Grid control. |
CCBCGPGridVisualObject | Grid control hosted on the visual container implementation. |
CCBCGPGroup | Group control |
CCBCGPHeaderCtrl | Header control |
CCBCGPHeaderItem | Implements multiline grid control header. |
CCBCGPHotSpotImageCtrl | Hot spot image control |
CCBCGPImage | Image functionality implementation. |
CCBCGPImageEditDlg | Image editing dialog. |
CCBCGPImageGaugeImpl | Image gauge implementation. |
CCBCGPInfoBoxCtrl | Info-box renderer |
CCBCGPInfoBoxRenderer | Info-box renderer |
CCBCGPInfoBoxView | CView with embedded Info box |
CCBCGPInfoTipOptions | Info tip control options |
CCBCGPIntelliSenseData | Edit control IntelliSense data |
CCBCGPIntelliSenseLB | Edit control IntelliSense list box |
CCBCGPIntelliSenseWnd | Edit control IntelliSense popup window |
CCBCGPIPAddressCtrl | IP address control with theme support |
CCBCGPKeyboardManager | Keyboard manager |
CCBCGPKeyMapDlg | Dialog which displays application keyboard shortcuts. |
CCBCGPKnob | Knob gauge. |
CCBCGPKnobCtrl | Knob control. |
CCBCGPKnobPointer | Knob pointer. |
CCBCGPLightBoxDialog | LightBox dialog box class. |
CCBCGPLightBoxDialogOptions | LightBox dialog options. |
CCBCGPLinearGaugeColors | Defines a linear gauge color scheme (theme) |
CCBCGPLinearGaugeCtrl | Linear gauge control |
CCBCGPLinearGaugeImpl | Linear gauge implementation. |
CCBCGPLinearGaugePointer | Linear gauge pointer |
CCBCGPLineColorMarker | Edit control line color marker |
CCBCGPLineSegment | Complex geometry line segment |
CCBCGPLineStyleComboBox | Line style combo box control. |
CCBCGPLineStyleProp | Property grid line style property object |
CCBCGPListBox | List box control |
CCBCGPListCtrl | List control |
CCBCGPListView | List control view |
CCBCGPMainClientAreaWnd | MDI client area window |
CCBCGPMaskEdit | Masked edit control |
CCBCGPMDIChildWnd | MDI Child Window implementation. |
CCBCGPMDIFrameWnd | MDI Frame Window implementation |
CCBCGPMDITabParams | MDI tabbed groups settings |
CCBCGPMDITemplatesListBox | MDI templates list box. |
CCBCGPMenuBar | Menu bar window |
CCBCGPMenuButton | Menu button control |
CCBCGPMenuImages | Internal menu/toolbar images list |
CCBCGPMessageBox | Message box window class |
CCBCGPMessageBoxImpl | Message box base class |
CCBCGPMessageLightBox | Light message box window class |
CCBCGPMiniFrameWnd | Mini-frame window |
CCBCGPMouseManager | Mouse manager |
CCBCGPMultilineEditProp | Property grid multi-line edit property object |
CCBCGPMultiLinkCtrl | Multi-link control |
CCBCGPMultiMiniFrameWnd | Multi mini-frame window |
CCBCGPMultiViewData | Multi-view SDI frame view data |
CCBCGPMultiViewFrameWnd | Multi-view SDI frame window |
CCBCGPMultiViewsCollection | Multi-view SDI frame views collection |
CCBCGPNewDocumentGalleryCtrl | New items gallery dialog control |
CCBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorCtrl | Numeric indicator control. |
CCBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl | Numeric date/time indicator implementation. |
CCBCGPNumericIndicatorColors | Numeric indicator color theme. |
CCBCGPNumericIndicatorCtrl | Numeric indicator control. |
CCBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl | Numeric indicator implementation. |
CCBCGPOccManager | COccManager-derived class used for the dialog fonts replacenment |
CCBCGPODBCGridCtrl | Grid control with database support |
CCBCGPOleIPFrameWnd | OLE in-place frame window |
CCBCGPOutlineBaseNode | Represents the data structure for Edit control outlining |
CCBCGPOutlineNode | Edit control hierarchy of outlining nodes |
CCBCGPOutlineParser | Edit control outline parser |
CCBCGPOutlookBar | Outlook bar window |
CCBCGPOutlookBarPane | Outlook bar pane window |
CCBCGPOutlookWnd | Outlook window |
CCBCGPPageTransitionManager | Page transition manager. |
CCBCGPPenSelector | GDI pen selector. |
CCBCGPPlannerClockIcons | Planner control clock icons |
CCBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl | Planner control |
CCBCGPPlannerManagerView | Planner view window |
CCBCGPPlannerPrint | Planner print helper |
CCBCGPPlannerPrintDay | Planner print daily view helper |
CCBCGPPlannerPrintDual | Planner daily and weekly views print helper |
CCBCGPPlannerPrintMonth | Planner month view print helper |
CCBCGPPlannerPrintWeek | Planner week view print helper |
CCBCGPPlannerView | Planner view window |
CCBCGPPlannerViewDay | Planner daily view window |
CCBCGPPlannerViewMonth | Planner monthly view window |
CCBCGPPlannerViewMulti | Planner multi-resource view window |
CCBCGPPlannerViewWeek | Planner weekly view window |
CCBCGPPlannerViewWeekDays | Planner week days view window |
CCBCGPPlannerViewWorkWeek | Planner work week view window |
CCBCGPPngImage | PNG image implementation |
CCBCGPPoint | Point implementation |
CCBCGPPointsArray | Points array implementation |
CCBCGPPolygonGeometry | Polygon geometry implementation |
CCBCGPPopupDlg | Popup window (desktop alert) embedded dialog |
CCBCGPPopupMenu | Popup menu window |
CCBCGPPopupMenuBar | Popup menu bar |
CCBCGPPopupWindow | Popup (Desktop alert) window |
CCBCGPPopupWindowColors | Popup Window (Desktop Alert) custom color theme. |
CCBCGPPopupWndParams | Popup window (desktop alert) options |
CCBCGPPostRedraw | Helper class for the flicker-less drawing. |
CCBCGPProgressCtrl | Progress control |
CCBCGPProgressDlg | Progress dialog box |
CCBCGPProgressDlgParams | Progress dialog box parameters |
CCBCGPProp | Property grid property object |
CCBCGPPropertyManager | Property manager class |
CCBCGPPropertyPage | Property page window |
CCBCGPPropertySheet | Advanced Property Sheet window |
CCBCGPPropertySheetCtrl | Property Sheet control |
CCBCGPPropList | Property grid control |
CCBCGPPropSheetCategory | Property sheet tree category |
CCBCGPRadialMenu | Radial popup menu window |
CCBCGPRadialMenuObject | Radial popup menu object |
CCBCGPRatingColors | Rating control custom colors |
CCBCGPRatingCtrl | Rating control |
CCBCGPReBar | Rebar window |
CCBCGPRecentDockInfo | Recent docking information |
CCBCGPRecentFilesListBox | Recent files/places list box |
CCBCGPRect | Rectangle implementation. |
CCBCGPRectangleGeometry | Rectangular geometry implementation |
CCBCGPRecurrence | Planner recurrence implementation |
CCBCGPRecurrenceBaseRule | Planner recurrence basic rule |
CCBCGPRegistry | Windows registry access wrapper |
CCBCGPReportCtrl | Report control |
CCBCGPReportRow | Report control row |
CCBCGPReportView | Report view window |
CCBCGPRibbonBackstageView | Ribbon backstage view |
CCBCGPRibbonBackstageViewItemForm | Ribbon backstage item form |
CCBCGPRibbonBackstageViewItemPropertySheet | Ribbon backstage property sheet |
CCBCGPRibbonBackstageViewPanel | Ribbon backstage navigation (commands) panel |
CCBCGPRibbonBar | Ribbon bar window |
CCBCGPRibbonButton | Ribbon button control |
CCBCGPRibbonButtonsGroup | Ribbon bar buttons group |
CCBCGPRibbonCaptionCustomButton | Custom Ribbon caption button. |
CCBCGPRibbonCaptionMDITabsOptions | MDI tabs located on the frame caption settings |
CCBCGPRibbonCategory | Ribbon category (tab) implementation |
CCBCGPRibbonCheckBox | Ribbon bar check box control |
CCBCGPRibbonColorButton | Ribbon color picker control |
CCBCGPRibbonComboBox | Ribbon bar combo box control |
CCBCGPRibbonComboGalleryCtrl | Ribbon combo gallery control |
CCBCGPRibbonCommandSearchOptions | Ribbon bar command search options |
CCBCGPRibbonCommandsMenuCustomItems | Ribbon commands menu custom items. |
CCBCGPRibbonContextCaption | Ribbon context tabs caption |
CCBCGPRibbonCustomizationOptions | Ribbon bar customization options |
CCBCGPRibbonCustomize | Ribbon bar customization property sheet |
CCBCGPRibbonCustomizeContextMenuPage | Application context menu customization property page |
CCBCGPRibbonCustomizeQATPage | Ribbon QAT customization page |
CCBCGPRibbonCustomizeRibbonPage | Ribbon customization page |
CCBCGPRibbonDialogBar | Ribbon dialog bar window |
CCBCGPRibbonEdit | Ribbon bar edit control |
CCBCGPRibbonFloaty | Ribbon mini-toolbar (floaty) |
CCBCGPRibbonFontComboBox | Ribbon bar font combo box control |
CCBCGPRibbonFontSizeComboBox | Ribbon bar font size combo box control |
CCBCGPRibbonFrameCaptionBar | Ribbon frame caption bar implementation |
CCBCGPRibbonGalleryCtrl | Ribbon gallery dialog control |
CCBCGPRibbonHyperlink | Ribbon bar link control |
CCBCGPRibbonIconsAppearance | Encapsulates the ribbon icon's appearance options.. |
CCBCGPRibbonLabel | Ribbon bar static text label |
CCBCGPRibbonMainButton | Ribbon application (Main) button implementation |
CCBCGPRibbonMainPanel | Ribbon bar application (main) panel |
CCBCGPRibbonPaletteButton | Ribbon gallery (palette) control |
CCBCGPRibbonPaletteMenuButton | Ribbon bar gallery menu button |
CCBCGPRibbonPanel | Ribbon bar panel (group) |
CCBCGPRibbonProgressBar | Ribbon Progress bar control |
CCBCGPRibbonQATDefaultState | Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar default customization state |
CCBCGPRibbonQuickStep | Ribbon Quick Step |
CCBCGPRibbonQuickStepsButton | Ribbon Quick Steps Gallery |
CCBCGPRibbonRadioButton | Ribbon radio button control |
CCBCGPRibbonSimplifiedModeOptions | Ribbon bar simplified mode options |
CCBCGPRibbonSlider | Ribbon slider control |
CCBCGPRibbonStatusBar | Ribbon Status Bar window |
CCBCGPRibbonStatusBarPane | Ribbon Status bar pane |
CCBCGPRibbonToolsPage | Ribbon user-defined tools customization page |
CCBCGPRibbonUndoButton | Ribbon Undo button control |
CCBCGPRotationCtrl | 3D objects rotation control |
CCBCGPRotationObject | Implements a rotation menu object. |
CCBCGPRoundedRect | Rounded rectangle implementation |
CCBCGPRoundedRectangleGeometry | Rounded rectangle geometry implementation |
CCBCGPScrollBar | Scroll bar control with theme support |
CCBCGPScrollDialog | Dialog box with scrolling support class. |
CCBCGPShellBreadcrumb | Shell breadcrumb implementation |
CCBCGPShellList | Shell list control |
CCBCGPShellManager | Shell manager |
CCBCGPShellTree | Shell tree control |
CCBCGPShellView | Shell list control view |
CCBCGPSize | Size implementation. |
CCBCGPSlider | Docking panes divider control |
CCBCGPSliderCtrl | Slider control |
CCBCGPSmartDockingParams | Smart docking options |
CCBCGPSpinButtonCtrl | Themmed UpDown control |
CCBCGPSplineGeometry | Spline geometry implementation |
CCBCGPSplitterWnd | Themed splitter window |
CCBCGPStatic | Static control |
CCBCGPStaticGaugeImpl | Static gauge implementation |
CCBCGPStaticLayout | Controls static layout manager |
CCBCGPStatusBar | Status bar window |
CCBCGPStrokeStyle | Pen style |
CCBCGPSVGImage | SVG ("Scalable Vector Graphics") image implementation |
CCBCGPSVGImageList | SVG ("Scalable Vector Graphics") image list ("spite") implementation |
CCBCGPSVGUpdateData | SVG custom icon data |
CCBCGPSwitchColors | Switch gauge colors definition |
CCBCGPSwitchCtrl | Switch control. |
CCBCGPSwitchImpl | Switch ("On/Off") Gauge. |
CCBCGPSymImagesLB | Edit control symbol list box |
CCBCGPTabbedControlBar | Tabbed docking pane window |
CCBCGPTabbedToolbar | Tabbed toolbar window |
CCBCGPTabCtrl | Windows Tab control with a Visual Manager support |
CCBCGPTabInfo | Tab information |
CCBCGPTabToolTipInfo | Tab tooltip information. |
CCBCGPTabView | Tabbed view window |
CCBCGPTabWnd | Tab control |
CCBCGPTagCloud | Tag Cloud implementation. |
CCBCGPTagCloudCtrl | Tag Cloud control |
CCBCGPTagCloudElement | Tag Cloud element implementation. |
CCBCGPTask | Tasks pane task object |
CCBCGPTaskDialog | A themed Task Dialog box |
CCBCGPTasksGroup | Task Pane Group |
CCBCGPTasksPane | Tasks Pane window |
CCBCGPTearOffManager | Tear-off menu manager |
CCBCGPTextColorSelector | GDI text color selector. |
CCBCGPTextFormat | The format of text used for text drawing. |
CCBCGPTextFormatDlg | Text format dialog class. |
CCBCGPTextFormatDlgOptions | Text format dialog options |
CCBCGPTextFormatProp | Property grid text format property object |
CCBCGPTextGaugeColors | Implements a text gauge color theme. |
CCBCGPTextGaugeCtrl | Text gauge control. |
CCBCGPTextGaugeImpl | Implements a text gauge object. |
CCBCGPTextRendererOptions | GDI text rendering options. |
CCBCGPThemeSelectorComboBox | A Visual Theme selection Combo box control |
CCBCGPToolBar | Advanced toolbar control |
CCBCGPToolbarButton | Toolbar button |
CCBCGPToolbarComboBoxButton | Toolbar combo box button |
CCBCGPToolbarCustomize | Toolbar customization property sheet |
CCBCGPToolbarDateTimeCtrl | Toolbar date/timer picker control |
CCBCGPToolbarDateTimeCtrl2 | Toolbar date/timer picker control |
CCBCGPToolbarEditBoxButton | Toolbar edit box control |
CCBCGPToolbarFontCombo | Toolbar font combo |
CCBCGPToolbarFontSizeCombo | Toolbar font size combo box |
CCBCGPToolBarImages | Toolbar image list |
CCBCGPToolbarLabel | Toolbar static label. |
CCBCGPToolbarMenuButton | Toolbar Button with drop-down menu |
CCBCGPToolbarOptions | Toolbar options. |
CCBCGPToolBarParams | Toolbar parameters |
CCBCGPToolbarSlider | Toolbar slider control |
CCBCGPToolBox | Visual Studio.NET-like Toolbox Window |
CCBCGPToolBoxButton | Toolbox button |
CCBCGPToolBoxEx | Visual Studio-like Toolbox window |
CCBCGPToolBoxPage | Toolbox page window |
CCBCGPToolTipCtrl | Tooltip control |
CCBCGPTooltipManager | Tooltip manager |
CCBCGPToolTipParams | Tooltip options |
CCBCGPTransformMatrix | Transform matrix implementation |
CCBCGPTreeCtrl | Tree control |
CCBCGPTreeCtrlEx | Extended tree control |
CCBCGPTreeMap | Tree map implementation |
CCBCGPTreeMapCtrl | Tree map control |
CCBCGPTreeMapGroup | Tree map group |
CCBCGPTreeMapNode | Tree map node object |
CCBCGPTreeView | Tree control view |
CCBCGPURLLinkButton | Hyper link control |
CCBCGPUserTool | User-defined tool object |
CCBCGPUserToolsManager | User-defined tools manager |
CCBCGPVisualContainer | Visual container implementation. |
CCBCGPVisualContainerCtrl | Visual container window. |
CCBCGPVisualCtrl | Visual control window. |
CCBCGPVisualDataObject | Base visual data object. |
CCBCGPVisualEffect | Visual effect object. |
CCBCGPVisualEffectHelper | Drawing object with a visual effect helper. |
CCBCGPVisualLayout | Visual objects static layout manager |
CCBCGPVisualManager | Visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManager2003 | Office 2003-like visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManager2007 | Office 2007-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManager2010 | Office 2010-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManager2013 | Office 2013-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManager2016 | Office 2016-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManager2019 | Office 2019-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManager2022 | Office 2021/2022-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManagerCarbon | Carbon-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManagerScenic | "Scenic" (Windows 7, 8 or 10)-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManagerVS2005 | Visual Studio 2005-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManagerVS2008 | Visual Studio 2008-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManagerVS2010 | Visual Studio 2010-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManagerVS2012 | Visual Studio 2012-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManagerVS2013 | Visual Studio 2013/2015/2017-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManagerVS2019 | Visual Studio 2019-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManagerVS2022 | Visual Studio 2022-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualManagerXP | Office XP-style visual manager |
CCBCGPVisualPrintOptions | Visual control printing options. |
CCBCGPVisualScrollBar | The visual container scroll bar. |
CCBCGPVisualScrollBarColorTheme | Visual container scrollbar color theme |
CCBCGPWebView2Ctrl | WebView2 wrapper control |
CCBCGPWebView2CtrlOptions | CBCGPWebView2Ctrl control options |
CCBCGPWebView2View | WebView2 wrapper view class |
CCBCGPWinApp | Application class |
CCBCGPWindowsManagerDlg | Windows management dialog |
CCBCGPWindowsNavigatorOptions | Windows navigator pane options |
CCBCGPWinUIBaseObject | WinUI tile basic object |
CCBCGPWinUITile | WinUI tile object |
CCBCGPWinUITiles | Windows UI Tiles-like control |
CCBCGPWinUITilesCaptionButton | WinUI tile caption button |
CCBCGPWinUITilesCtrl | WinUI tiles control |
CCBCGPWinUITilesGroupCaption | WinUI Tiles group caption |
CCBCGPWinUITilesView | WinUI tiles control view |
CCBCGPWinXPVisualManager | Windows native visual manager |
CCBCGPWndHostColors | Controls hosted in Visual Container color theme. |
CCBCGPWndHostVisualObject | Base class for the hosting windows on the visual containers. |
CCBCGPWorkspace | Application workspace |
CCBCGStatusBarPaneInfo | Status bar pane information. |
CCImageHash | Images hash table |
CGRID_BORDERS | Holds dimensions of grid borders. |
CtagBCG_GESTUREINFO | The gesture information. |
CtagBCGP_LITEM | The BCGPLITEM is used to set and retrieve information about a link item (CBCGPMultiLinkCtrl). |
CtagBCGPLHITTESTINFO | The BCGPLHITTESTINFO is used to get information about the link corresponding to a given location. |
CtagBCGPNMLINK | The BCGPNMLINK contains CBCGPMultiLinkCtrl notification information. |
CtagDrawState | Drawing state structure |