BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

CBCGPDiagramVisualObject is a base class for a diagram item. Derived classes are used for specific types of diagram items.

Special case is a connector CBCGPDiagramConnector.

Diagram items are stored in a diagram by CBCGPDiagramVisualContainer class. Call CBCGPDiagramVisualContainer::AddItem to add a new diagram item. Call CBCGPDiagramVisualContainer::AddConnector to add a new connector. After adding to container each diagram item has unique identifier that is used for reference and connections between diagram items. Call GetItemID() to retrieve item's ID.

CBCGPDiagramVisualObject class allows to display one text label that's stored in the embedded CBCGPDiagramTextDataObject object. Call AddTextData() to add a text label.

See also
CBCGPBaseVisualObject, CBCGPDiagramShape, CBCGPDiagramTableShape, CBCGPDiagramConnector, CBCGPDiagramImageObject, CBCGPDiagramVisualContainer
+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPDiagramVisualObject:

Public Types

enum  ConnectionPorts
enum  Parts

Public Member Functions

 CBCGPDiagramVisualObjectCopy constructor.
 AddTextDataAdds a text data to the diagram item.
 DrawConnectionPortsCalled by the framework to draw a connection ports.
 GetAllConnectorsGets the list of all item connectors.
 GetConnectionPortGets coordinates of the specific connection port.
 GetConnectorsGets the list of connectors connected to specified port.
 GetFillBrushGets object fill brush.
 GetFillColorGets object fill color.
 GetItemIDGets item identifier.
 GetOutlineBrushGets object outline brush.
 GetOutlineColorGets object outline color.
 GetParentDiagramGets the parent diagram.
 GetPartTextDataRetrieves the text data object of the diagram item.
 GetStrokeStyleGets the object stroke style.
 GetTextDataGets text data by index.
 GetThicknessGets the border thickness.
 HasConnectorsTells whether the diagram item has a specific connector(s).
 HitTestConnectionPortHits test connection port.
 RemoveTextDataRemoves the text data from the diagram item.
 SetAutoDestroySpecifies whether the diagram object should be destroyed automatically.
 SetConnectionPortsCalled by the framework when connection port positions are calculated.
 SetFillBrushSets object fill brush.
 SetFillColorSets object fill color.
 SetItemIDSets an item identifier.
 SetOutlineBrushSets object outline brush.
 SetOutlineColorSets object outline color.
 SetStrokeStyleSets the object border stroke style.
 SetTextDataSets text data in the diagram item.
 SetThicknessSets the object border thickness.
 UseConnectionPortCreates a new anchor point.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPBaseVisualObject
 CBCGPBaseVisualObjectCopy constructor.
 CopyToClipboardCopies visual object to the Clipboard.
 EnableImageCacheEnables or disables visual object image cache.
 ExportToBitmapExports the visual object to bitmap.
 ExportToFileExports the visual object to a file (BMP or PNG).
 ExportToImageExports the visual object to an image.
 GetDataGets an internal data object.
 GetDataAnimationTypeGets data animation type.
 GetDataCountReturns a number of data objects.
 GetEditFlagsGets editing flags.
 GetIDGets the object identifier.
 GetNameGets the object name.
 GetParentContainerGets the parent visual container.
 GetRectGets the object bounding rectangle.
 GetSelectedThemeObtain a currently selected visual theme.
 GetUserDataGets user-defined data associated with this object.
 GetValueGets the object value.
 GetVisualEffectRetrieves a visual effect
 IsAutoDestroyTells whether this object will be destroyed automatically.
 IsEditModeTells whether this object has the edit mode.
 IsEnabledTells whether the visual object is enabled.
 IsImageCacheTells whether image cache is enabled for this object.
 IsSelectedTells whether this object is selected in the parent container.
 IsVisibleTells whether the visual object is visible.
 RedrawRedraws this object.
 RedrawRectRedraws a specified rectangle.
 SelectVisualThemeSelect a visual theme created in Visual Designer.
 SetAutoDestroySpecifies whether the object should be destroyed automatically.
 SetDataAnimationTypeSets data animation type.
 SetDirtyInvalidates and redraws a visual object.
 SetEditFlagsSets editing flags.
 SetFillBrushSets a new fill brush.
 SetIDSets the object identifier.
 SetNameSets an object name.
 SetSelectedSelects or unselects the object in the parent container.
 SetUserDataSets user-defined data associated with this object.
 SetValueSets the object value.
 SetVisibleShows or hides the visual object.
 SetVisualEffectSets a visual effect.