BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

CBCGPWinApp class is derived from CWinApp and simplifies creation of new applications. CBCGPWinApp provides developers with the following functionality:

  • Automatic initializing Context Menu, Keyboard, Shell and Tooltip managers
  • Switching between Visual Themes
  • Associating Visual Theme with a specific menu/ribbon item.
  • Auto-saving recent Visual Theme in the application registry branch.
  • More simple toolbar/menu customization: you've to setup CBCGPToolbarOptions m_ToolbarOptions in the application class constructor and rest will be handled by the framework.
  • Auto-cleanup framework data on exit.
+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPWinApp:

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 AddVisualThemeAdds a visual theme (manager) to the application
 ExitInstanceCalled by the framework from within the Run member function to exit this instance of the application.
 GetApplicationLookMenuCommandIDGets menu item ID that will be replaced with a visual themes list.
 GetCommandIDVisualThemeGets a visual theme associated with command identifier.
 GetToolbarOptionsReturn a reference to application toolbar options object
 GetVisualThemeReturns a currently activated Visual Theme
 GetVisualThemeCommandIDGets visual theme command identifier.
 InitInstanceThis method is called by the framework to initialize the application or DLL instance.
 IsThemedFileDialogTells whether a themed File Dialog is used instead of the standard Windows File Dialog.
 LoadSystemLibraryCalled by the framework when a standard (system) DLL is being loaded.
 SetApplicationLookMenuSpecifies a menu item that will be replaced with a visual themes list.
 SetToolbarOptionsSets toolbar options.
 SetVisualThemeCall this method to change the Visual Theme.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPWorkspace
 CBCGPWorkspaceConstructs a CBCGPWorkspace object.
 CleanStateRemoves the workspace state from the Windows registry.
 CreateScreenshotCreates a given window screenshot.
 EnableLoadKeyboardAcceleratorsEnables or disables loading of keyboard accelerators along with other settings.
 EnableLoadWindowPlacementEnables or disables loading of main frame size and position along with other settings.
 EnableTaskBarInteractionEnables interaction with Windows 7/8/10 task bar.
 EnableTearOffMenusEnables using of tear-off menus in application.
 EnableUserToolsEnables user-defined plug-ins (user tools) in the application.
 GetBinaryRetrieves the binary data for a specified value field.
 GetContextMenuManagerGives the access to the global CBCGPContextMenuManager object.
 GetDataVersionMajorReturns the major version of the workspace state saved in the Windows registry.
 GetDataVersionMinorReturns the minor version of the workspace state saved in the Windows registry.
 GetDoubleRetrieves the double data for a specified value field.
 GetIntRetrieves the numeric data for a specified value field.
 GetKeyboardManagerGives the access to the global CBCGPKeyboardManager object
 GetMouseManagerGives the access to the global CBCGPMouseManager object.
 GetObjectRetrieves the CObject - derived object data for a specified value field.
 GetRegistryBaseGets a path to the registry key, which serves as a root for all subsequent registry calls.
 GetRegSectionPathConcatenates the relative path to a registry key with the application path.
 GetSectionBinaryRetrieves the binary data for a specified value field of a specified key.
 GetSectionDoubleRetrieves the numeric data for a specified value field of a specified key.
 GetSectionIntRetrieves the numeric data for a specified value field of a specified key.
 GetSectionObjectRetrieves the CObject - derived object data for a specified value field of a specified key.
 GetSectionStringRetrieves the string data for a specified value field of a specified key.
 GetShellManagerGives the access to the global CBCGPShellManager object.
 GetStringRetrieves the string data for a specified value field.
 GetTooltipManagerReturns a pointer to the tooltip manager.
 GetUserToolsManagerGives the access to the global CBCGPUserToolsManager object.
 InitContextMenuManagerInitializes the context menu manager.
 InitKeyboardManagerInitializes the keyboard manager.
 InitMouseManagerInitializes the mouse manager.
 InitShellManagerInitializes the shell manager
 InitTooltipManagerInitializes the tooltip manager.
 IsStateExistsDetermines whether the specified state does exist or not.
 IsTaskBarInteractionEnabledTells whether interaction with Windows 7/8/10 task bar is enabled or disabled.
 LoadStateLoads the application state from the Windows registry.
 LoadStateLoads the application state from the Windows registry.
 LoadStateLoads the application state from the Windows registry.
 OnAppContextHelpCalled by the framework in customization mode to invoke context help.
 OnEditCtrlContextMenuCalled by the framework when edit control's context menu should be displayed.
 OnViewDoubleClickInvokes a user-defined command that has been associated with a double-click the left mouse button.
 SaveStateStores the framework's state into the Windows registry.
 SaveStateStores the framework's state into the Windows registry.
 SaveStateStores the framework's state into the Windows registry.
 SaveStateStores the framework's state into the Windows registry.
 SetRegistryBaseSets a path to the registry key that will serve as a root for all subsequent registry calls.
 ShowPopupMenuDisplays a popup menu.
 WriteBinaryStores binary data in a specified value field.
 WriteDoubleStores double data in a specified value field.
 WriteIntStores numeric data in a specified value field.
 WriteObjectStores CObject - derived object data in a specified value field.
 WriteSectionBinaryStores binary data in a specified value field of a specified key.
 WriteSectionDoubleStores numeric data in a specified value field of a specified key.
 WriteSectionIntStores numeric data in a specified value field of a specified key.
 WriteSectionObjectStores CObject - derived object data in a specified value field of a specified key.
 WriteSectionStringStores string data in a specified value field of a specified key.
 WriteStringStores string data in a specified value field.

Protected Member Functions

 CreateFileDialogThis method is called by the framework when a themed File Dialog should be created.
 OnAfterChangeVisualThemeThis method is called by the framework after changing the Visual Theme.
 OnBeforeChangeVisualThemeThis method is called by the framework before changing the Visual Theme.
 OnBeforeCreateCustomizationDlgThis method is called by the framework before create customization dialog action.
 OnCustomizeToolBarsThis method is called by the framework when user chooses "Customize..." menu item from "Toolbars" menu.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CBCGPWorkspace
 LoadCustomStateCalled by the framework when the BCGControlBar Library-related application state has been loaded.
 LoadWindowPlacementCalled by the framework before a creation of the window attached to a CWnd object to load the window placement information from the registry.
 OnClosingMainFrameCalled by the framework when a main frame window is processing WM_CLOSE message.
 PreLoadStateCalled by the framework before the application state is loaded.
 ReloadWindowPlacementReloads window size and position from the registry
 SaveCustomStateCalled by the framework after everything is stored into the Windows registry.
 StoreWindowPlacementCalled by the framework to save the window placement information to registry when the window frame is being closed.

Protected Attributes

 m_ActiveThemeApplication Visual Theme
 m_AppOptionsGeneral Application options
 m_bContextMenuManagerSpecifies whether an application should initialize a context menu manager
 m_bDPIAwareSet this member to TRUE to make your application DPI aware.
 m_bDPIAwareTooltipsSet this member to TRUE to enable DPI-aware tooltips.
 m_bThemedFileDialogSpecifies whether a themed File Dialog is used instead of the standard Windows File Dialog.
 m_bThemedMessageBoxSet this member to FALSE to disable themed message boxes (displayed By AfxMessageBox).
 m_bThemedTooltipsSet this member to TRUE to enable themed tooltips.
 m_FileDialogOptionsThe themed File Dialog options.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CBCGPWorkspace
 m_bAutoSyncControlBarsStateBetweenFramesSpecifies whether the frame state should be automatically synchronized (in the multiple top-level document interface applications).
 m_bForceImageResetForce image reset every time when the frame is loaded

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPWorkspace
 UseWorkspaceManagerEnables workspace manager for an application.
- Public Attributes inherited from CBCGPWorkspace
 m_bIsAeroSnapPlacementIf this memebr is TRUE, the fraework saves the recent frame position and size in "AeroSnap" mode.
 m_nFileNewFrameCommandIDSpecifies the command ID associated with new frame creation (in the multiple top-level document interface applications, usually ID_FILE_NEW_FRAME).