BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPUserToolsManager class maintains a collection of CBCGPUserTool objects. It provides the functionality that allows to create new user-defined tools, invoke commands associated with the tools and load/save the user-defined tools state from/to the Windows registry.

There should be only one global CBCGPUserToolsManager object per application. Use the CBCGPWorkspace::EnableUserTools function to create it during the application initialization stage.

See also
CBCGPWorkspace, CBCGPUserTool

Inherits CObject.

Public Member Functions

 CBCGPUserToolsManagerConstructs a CBCGPUserToolsManager.
 CBCGPUserToolsManagerConstructs a CBCGPUserToolsManager.
 CreateNewToolCreates a new user tool.
 FindToolGiven a menu command ID returns a pointer to CBCGPUserTool - derived object associated with this menu command.
 GetArgumentsMenuIDReturns a menu resource ID used to display the menu for the arguments selection.
 GetDefExtReturns the default extension for the command's executable files.
 GetFilterReturns the default filter for the command's executable files.
 GetInitialDirMenuIDReturns a menu resource ID used to display the menu for the initial directory selection.
 GetMaxToolsReturns a maximal number of user tools allowed in the application.
 GetToolsEntryCmdReturns a command ID of the dummy menu item that is substituted to the list of user tools.
 GetUserToolsReturns a reference to the list of user tools.
 InvokeToolExecutes a command associated with the user tool.
 IsUserToolCmdDetermines if a command ID of the menu item is associated with a user tool.
 LoadStateLoads the user tool's information from the Windows registry.
 MoveToolDownMoves the user tool down in the internal list of user tools.
 MoveToolUpMoves the user tool up in the internal list of user tools.
 RemoveToolRemoves the specified user tool from the manager's list and all toolbars.
 SaveStateStores the user tool's information to the Windows registry.
 SetDefExtSets a default file extension in the open file dialog box.
 SetFilterSets a filter to be displayed in the open file dialog box.