BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPToolbarOptions structure specifies general toolbar options.

You can setup toolbar options by modifying CBCGPWinApp::m_ToolbarOptions member in application class constructor or by calling CBCGPWinApp::SetToolbarOptions method.

Public Attributes

 m_bAllowModifySVGImagesSpecifies whether SVG custom icons can be modified by the user.
 m_bContextMenuSpecifies whether to display the context menu on toolbars and docking panes.
 m_bContextMenuShowsToolbarsOnlySpecifies whether to display toolbars only (not docking panes) in the docking bars context menu.
 m_bGrayDisabledImagesSpecifies whether the toolbar disabled images should be grayed or not.
 m_bShowCustomizeButtonSpecifies whether to display a toolbar chevron.
 m_bViewMenuShowsToolbarsOnlySpecifies whether to display toolbars only (not docking panes) in the menu specfied by CBCGPToolbarOptions::m_nViewToolbarsMenuEntryID.
 m_lstCustomizePagesList of custom pages.
 m_nCustomizeCommandIDCommand ID of menu item associated with toolbar customization dialog. Usually - ID_VIEW_CUSTOMIZE.
 m_nToolbarCustomizeFlagsToolbars customization flags.
 m_nUserToolbarCommandIDFirstThe command ID of the first user tool. If this member is 0, user tools are not available
 m_nUserToolbarCommandIDLastThe command ID of the last user tool. If this member is 0, user tools are not available
 m_nViewToolbarsMenuEntryIDMenu entry replaced with toolbars/docking panes list. Usually - ID_VIEW_TOOLBAR.
 m_strCustomizeCommandLabelName of menu item associated with toolbar customization dialog. The default value is "Customize..."
 m_strToolbarCustomIconsPathFull pathname of the toolbar custom icons file.