BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPToolBoxEx class implements the same functionality as CBCGPToolBox, but it's derived from CBCGPTasksPane. This allows to add all features found in the toolbox control found in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 development environment.

These features include an ability to view several toolbox pages at once, as well as expand and collapse them.

Because the extended toolbox class is derived from task pane, you can modify the visual style and content of pages (e.g. insert controls) as you would do it for a task pane control.

See also
CBCGPTasksPane, CBCGPTasksGroup, CBCGPTask, CBCGPToolBox, CBCGPToolBoxPage
+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPToolBoxEx:

Public Member Functions

 AddToolsPageAdds a new page to the toolbox control.
 AddToolsPageAdds a new page to the toolbox control.
 EnableSearchBoxShows or hides a search box.
 GetFilterTextGets filter text.
 GetLastClickedToolRetrieves the currently selected tool.
 GetNotifyCommandIDRetrieves the ID of the command that the toolbox sends when an item is clicked. If this ID is 0, the toolbox's ID is used for the notification.
 GetPageGiven the page number returns a pointer to page object.
 GetPageCountReturns a number of pages in an extended toolbox control.
 GetPageNumberGiven a pointer to a toolbox page object returns its zero-based index.
 GetSelectedToolsPageRetrivies a pointer to the currently selected toolbox page.
 IsSearchBoxTells whether toolbox search box is displayed or not.
 IsShowDisabledItemsTells whether disabled toolbox items should be displayed.
 OnActivatePageCalled by the framework when the user activates a page.
 OnClickToolCalled by the framework when the user clicks a tool.
 OnShowToolboxMenuCalled by the framework when the toolbox context is about to be displayed.
 RemoveAllToolsPagesRemoves all pages from the Toolbox control.
 RemoveToolsPageRemoves a page from the Toolbox control.
 SelectPageGroupCaptionSelects a toolbox page caption.
 SetNotifyCommandIDSpecifies the ID of the command that the toolbox sends when an item is clicked. By default, this ID is the same as the toolbox's ID.
 SetShowDisabledItemsSpecifies whether disabled toolbox items should be displayed.
 SetToolsFilterSets tools filter.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPTasksPane
 CBCGPTasksPaneConstructs a CBCGPTasksPane object.
 AddGroupAdds a new group of tasks to the task pane control.
 AddGroupAdds a new group of tasks to the task pane control.
 AddLabelAdds a new static label into the specified task group.
 AddMRUFilesListAdds tasks specified by MRU file list into a group.
 AddPageAdds a new page to the task pane.
 AddSeparatorAdds a separator to the specified task group.
 AddTaskAdds a new task into the specified task group.
 AddWindowAdds a child window to the task pane.
 AreNavigationTabsEnabledTells whether the navigation tabs are enabled or not.
 AreNavigationToolbarSimplifiedIconsEnabledTells whether the icons in the navigation toolbar appear simplified.
 CollapseAllGroupsProgrammatically collapses all groups.
 CollapseAllGroupsProgrammatically collapses all groups in the specified page.
 CollapseGroupProgrammatically collapses a group.
 CollapseGroupProgrammatically collapses a group.
 CreateMenuCalled by the framework to create the menu for the "Other Tasks Panes" menu button.
 EnableAnimationEnables or disables animation while collapsing or expanding task groups.
 EnableAutoHideScrollBarScpecifies whether control's scroll bar should be hidden when scroll bar is inactive (mouse cursor is located outside of scrollbar).
 EnableGroupCollapseSpecifies whether tasks groups can be collapsed or not.
 EnableHistoryMenuButtonsEnables or disables drop-down menus in "Next"/"Previous" navigation buttons.
 EnableNavigationTabsEnables or disables navigation tabs.
 EnableNavigationToolbarEnables or disables navigation toolbar.
 EnableNavigationToolbarSimplifiedIconsSpecifies whether the icons in the navigation toolbar appear simplified.
 EnableScrollButtonsEnables usage of scroll buttons instead of a scrollbar.
 EnableWrapLabelsEnables or disables word wrapping for the labels.
 EnableWrapTasksEnables or disables word wrapping for the tasks.
 GetActivePageReturns the zero-based index of active page.
 GetGroupCaptionHeightReturns the height of group caption.
 GetGroupCaptionHorzOffsetReturns the current offset of a group caption from the left/right edge of task pane,
 GetGroupCaptionVertOffsetReturns the current offset of a group caption from the top/bottom edge of task pane,
 GetGroupCountReturns the total number of groups.
 GetGroupLocationGiven a pointer to group, returns the group index in the internal group list.
 GetGroupVertOffsetReturns the group vertical offset.
 GetHorzMarginReturns horizontal spacing between a task pane (which is a list of groups) and edges of client area.
 GetPageByGroupRetrieves page index for the specified group.
 GetPagesCountReturns the number of pages.
 GetSelectedTaskGroupRetives a selected task group.
 GetTaskRetrieves a pointer to a task.
 GetTaskCountReturns the number of tasks in the specifies group.
 GetTaskGroupGiven a group index, returns a pointer to group.
 GetTaskLocationGiven a task command returns the task's group and index.
 GetTaskLocationGiven a task command returns the task's group and index.
 GetTaskLocationGiven a task command returns the task's group and index.
 GetTasksHorzOffsetReturns the horizontal offset of tasks from the left/right edges of their parent groups.
 GetVertMarginReturns the vertical spacing between a task pane (which is a list of groups) and edges of client area.
 HideSingleGroupCaptionSpecifies whether the tasks pane hides a single group caption.
 IsAnimationEnabledTells whether the animation is enabled or not.
 IsBackButtonEnabledTells whether the back button is enabled or not.
 IsForwardButtonEnabledTells whether the forward button is enabled or not.
 IsHideSingleGroupCaptionTells whether the tasks pane hides a single group caption.
 IsHistoryMenuButtonsEnabledTells whether "Next"/"Previous" navigation buttons have drop-down menu, or not.
 IsNavigationToolbarEnabledTells whether the navigation toolbar is enabled or not.
 IsScrollBarAutoHideEnabledTells whether control's scroll bars are auto-hidden.
 IsWrapLabelsEnabledTells whether the tasks pane wraps words in labels, or not.
 IsWrapTasksEnabledTells whether the tasks pane wraps words in tasks or not.
 OnClickTaskCalled by the framework when the user clicks a task.
 OnPressBackButtonCalled by the framework when the user clicks "Back" button.
 OnPressForwardButtonCalled by the framework when the user clicks the "Forward" navigation button.
 OnPressHomeButtonCalled by the framework when the user clicks the "Home" navigation button
 RemoveAllGroupsRemoves all groups on the specifies by nPageIdx page or all groups if there is only one default page.
 RemoveAllPagesRemoves all groups and all tasks from the groups except the first page.
 RemoveAllTasksRemoves all tasks in the specified by nGroup group.
 RemoveGroupRemoves a group.
 RemovePageRemoves the specifies page from the task pane.
 RemoveTaskRemoves a task from a task group.
 SetActivePageActivates page.
 SetCaptionSets the caption name of task pane.
 SetGroupCaptionHeightSets the height of group caption.
 SetGroupCaptionHorzOffsetSets horizontal offset of group caption.
 SetGroupCaptionVertOffsetSets vertical offset of group caption.
 SetGroupNameSets a new group name
 SetGroupTextColorSets text color for group's caption.
 SetGroupVertOffsetSets the new vertical offset for a group.
 SetHorzMarginSets horizontal spacing between a task pane (which is a list of groups) and edges of client area.
 SetIconsListSets the image list associated with tasks.
 SetIconsListSets the image list associated with tasks.
 SetPageCaptionSets a new caption text to a task pane page.
 SetTaskNameSets a new task name.
 SetTasksHorzOffsetSets the horizontal offset of tasks from the left/right edges of their parent groups.
 SetTasksIconHorzOffsetSets horizontal spacing between tasks's icons
 SetTaskTextColorSets text color for a task.
 SetVertMarginSets vertical spacing between a task pane (which is a list of groups) and edges of client area.
 SetWindowHeightSets a new window height.
 SetWindowHeightSets a new window height.
 ShowTaskShows or hides a task.
 ShowTaskByCmdIdLooks for a task by its command ID and shows or hides it.
 UpdateUpdates the task pane GUI elements.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPDockingControlBar
 CBCGPDockingControlBarConstructs the object.
 AttachToTabWndAttaches the control bar to another control bar creating a tabbed control bar.
 CanAcceptBarDetermines whether another control bar can be docked to this control bar.
 CanBeAttachedCalled by the framework to determine if the control bar can be docked to another control bar or frame window.
 CreateCreates the Windows control and attaches it to the CBCGPDockingControlBar object.
 CreateCreates the Windows control and attaches it to the CBCGPDockingControlBar object.
 CreateExCreates the Windows control and attaches it to the CBCGPDockingControlBar object.
 CreateTabbedControlBarCalled by the framework when it needs to create a tabbed control bar from this control bar.
 DockToWindowDocks the docking control bar to another docking control bar.
 EnableAutohideAllEnables/disables auto-hide mode
 EnableGripperShows or hides the caption (gripper).
 GetCaptionGets a panes' caption.
 GetCaptionHeightReturns the current caption's height.
 GetDefaultSliderReturns a pointer to the default slider of the control bar's container.
 GetIconIndexReturn a docking pane icon index.
 GetPaneInfoCalled by the framework to obtain the docking pane information displayed in Windows Navigator (invoked by Ctrl+Tab).
 GetTabbedControlBarRTCReturns a pointer to the runtime class information of a tabbed window to be created when another control bar is docked to this control bar as a new tab.
 GetTabCustomLabelGets a tab custom label.
 HasAutoHideModeTells whether a docking control bar can be switched to the autohide mode.
 HitTestCalled by the framework to get a hit-test value from the point.
 IsAutohideAllEnabledIndicates whether the docking control bar can be put into autohide mode along with other control bars in container, when the user presses pin button holding Ctrl key.
 IsAutoHideModeDetermines whether a control bar is in autohide mode or not.
 IsDockedDetermines whether the control bar is docked or not.
 IsHideInAutoHideModeCalled by the framework to determine the control bar behavior in autohide mode when the control bar is shown or hidden by ShowControlBar().
 IsVisibleDetermines whether the control bar is visible or not.
 IsVisibleInWindowsNavigatorCalled by the framework to check whether this pane should be visible in Windows Navigator.
 OnAfterDockFromMiniFrameCalled by the framework when a docking bar has been docked to frame window from floating state.
 SetAutoHideModeSwitches the bar to the autohide mode and back
 SetIconIndexSets the docking pane icon index.
 SetTabbedControlBarRTCSets the runtime class information of a tabbed window to be created when two docking control bars produce a tabbed window.
 SetTabCustomLabelSets a tab custom label.
 ShowControlBarShows or hides a control bar.
 SlideCalled by the framework to begin showing or hiding of a control bar in autohide mode.
 UnDockControlBarUndocks a control bar from the main frame window or from multiminiframe window container.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPControlBar
 AdjustSizeImmediateImmediately recalculates layout of a control bar.
 CalcInsideRectCalculates the inside rectangle of a control bar taking into account the borders and grippers.
 CanBeDockedDetermines whether a control bar can be docked at the specified dock bar.
 CanBeTabbedDocumentTells whether control bar can be converted to tabbed document.
 CreateCreates the Windows control bar and attaches it to the CBCGPControlBar object.
 CreateExCreates the Windows control bar and attaches it to the CBCGPControlBar object.
 DockControlBarDocks the control bar to a dock bar.
 DoesAllowSiblingBarsIndicates whether it is possible to dock another control bar at the same row where this control bar is docked.
 FloatControlBarMakes the control bar floating.
 GetBordersReturns the width of the control bar borders.
 GetExclusiveRowModeTells whether the control bar is in exclusive row mode or not.
 OnAfterFloatCalled by the framework when a control bar has floated.
 OnShowControlBarMenuCalled by the framework when a special control bar menu is about to be displayed.
 SetBordersSets the border values of the control bar.
 SetBordersSets the border values of the control bar.
 SetExclusiveRowModeEnables or disables the exclusive row mode.
 SetMiniFrameRTCSets the runtime class information about the default mini-frame window.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPBaseControlBar
 AddControlBarAdds a control bar to docking manager.
 AdjustDockingLayoutRedirects a call to docking manager to adjust docking layout.
 CanBeClosedDetermines whether the control bar may be hidden.
 CanBeResizedDetermines whether this control bar can be resized.
 CanFloatDetermines whether the control bar can float.
 CanFocusSpecifies whether a control bar can receive focus.
 CreateExCreates a Windows control.
 DoesAllowDynInsertBeforeDetermines whether it is possible to dynamically insert a control bar before this control bar.
 EnableDockingEnables docking to the main frame.
 GetBarIconReturns control bar icon.
 GetBarStyleReturns the control bar style.
 GetBCGStyleReturns the library specific control bar styles.
 GetCurrentAlignmentReturns the current control bar alignment.
 GetDockRowReturns a pointer to a dock bar row.
 GetDockSiteReturns a pointer to dock site.
 GetEnabledAlignmentReturns the enabled alignment.
 GetParentMiniFrameReturns a pointer to the parent mini-frame window.
 GetParentTabWndRetrieves a pointer to the parent tabbed window.
 HideInPrintPreviewModeTells the framework whether control bar should be hidden in print preview mode.
 IsHorizontalDetermines whether the control bar is docked horizontally.
 IsMDITabbedTells whether control bar is placed on MDI child window as tabbed document.
 OnControlBarContextMenuCalled by the framework when it needs to build a menu with the list of control bars.
 OnRemoveFromMiniFrameCalled by the framework when a control bar is being removed from its parent mini-frame window.
 SetBarAlignmentSets the current alignment for a control bar.
 SetBarStyleSets a control bar style
 SetDockModeSets a new docking method for a control bar.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
 CBCGPAnimationManagerDefault constructor.
 GetAnimatedValueGets current animated value.
 GetAnimationDurationGets animation duration.
 GetLastAnimationErrorGets the animation error returned by recent call to Windows Animation API.
 IsAnimatedChecks if animation is running.
 StartAnimationStarts an animation.
 StartFlashAnimationStarts "flash" animation.
 StopAnimationStops an animation.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CBCGPDockingControlBar
enum  CaptionType
- Public Types inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
enum  BCGPAnimationType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPDockingControlBar
 GetDragSencitivityReturns the drag sensitivity of a docking control bar.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
 IsAnimationSupportedByOSChecks if animation is supported by OS.
- Public Attributes inherited from CBCGPControlBar
 m_recentDockInfoContains the recent docking information.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CBCGPDockingControlBar
 m_bDisableAnimationIf TRUE, the autohide animation will be disabled. If FALSE, autohide animation will be enabled.
 m_bHideInAutoHideModeDetermines the control bar behavior in autohide mode.
 m_nSlideStepsSpecifies the number of steps to show or hide in autohide mode.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CBCGPControlBar
 m_bHandleMinSizeEnables consistent handling of minimal size.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CBCGPTasksPane
 OnActivateTasksPanePageCalled by the framework when new task pane page is activated.
 OnAfterDrawTaskCalled by the framework after drawing the task.
 OnBeforeDrawTaskCalled by the framework before drawing the task.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CBCGPDockingControlBar
 CheckAutoHideConditionCalled be the framework to determine whether the docking control bar should be hidden (in autohide mode).
 CheckStopSlideConditionCalled by the framework to determine when an autohide docking control bar should stop sliding.
 OnScrollClientCalled by the framework when it needs to scroll content of a docking control bar.
 OnSlideCalled by the framework to render the autohide effect when the control bar is being shown or hidden.
 ScrollHorzAvailableCalled by the framework to determine whether a docking control bar can be scrolled horizontally.
 ScrollVertAvailableCalled by the framework to determine whether a docking control bar can be scrolled vertically.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CBCGPControlBar
 OnBeforeDockCalled by the framework when the control bar is about to be docked.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
 OnAnimationIdleCalled by the framework in an animation idle time.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CBCGPTasksPane
 m_hwndFooterTask pane footer window. Created in CBCGPTasksPane-derived class.
 m_hwndHeaderTask pane header window. Created in CBCGPTasksPane-derived class.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from CBCGPDockingControlBar
 m_sizeDragSencitivitySpecifies the drag sensitivity of a docking control bar.