BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The Frame Caption Bar (CBCGPRibbonFrameCaptionBar) replaces a standard frame caption. You may add to it custom buttons, MDI tabs and specify a custom system icon.

+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPRibbonFrameCaptionBar:

Public Member Functions

 EnableMDITabsEnables or disables the MDI tabs.
 GetMDITabsOptionsGets MDI tabs options. If MDI tabs are not enabled, this function returns NULL.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPRibbonBar
 ActivateContextCategoryActivates context category.
 AddBackstageCategoryAdds backstage category.
 AddCaptionCustomButtonAdds a custom caption button.
 AddCategoryAdds a new category to ribbon control.
 AddCategoryAdds a new category to ribbon control.
 AddContextCategoryAdds a context category.
 AddContextCategoryAdds a context category.
 AddMainCategoryCreates main ribbon panel.
 AddToTabsAdds a ribbon element at the right side of ribbon control.
 AreQuickAccessToolbarLabelsTells whether Quick Access Toolbar text labels are visible.
 CreateCreates the Windows control and attaches it to CBCGPRibbonBar.
 DoOpenPinnedFileCalled by the framework when user clicks on the pinned file in the recent files list.
 EnableAnimationEnables and disables animation during the switch between Ribbon tabs in some Visual themes.
 EnableBackstagePageCaptionsEnables the backstage view page captions.
 EnableCommandSearchEnables the Ribbon command search.
 EnableCustomizationEnables the Ribbon bar customization.
 EnableKeyTipsEnables or disables key tips feature for the Ribbon control.
 EnableMinimizeButtonShows or hides a minimize button.
 EnableStartPageEnables the start page.
 EnableToolTipsEnables or disables tooltips on the ribbon control.
 FindByDataFinds a ribbon element by associated user-defined data.
 FindByIDFinds a ribbon element by its command ID.
 FindCategoryIndexByDataReturns category index by user-defined data associated with category.
 ForceRecalcLayoutAdjusts the layout of the Ribbon bar controls.
 GetActiveCategoryReturns a pointer to active category.
 GetApplicationModesGets currently selected application modes.
 GetBackgroundImageGets the Ribbon background image.
 GetBackstageCategoryRetrieves a pointer to backstage category.
 GetBackstagePageTransitionEffectGets backstage page transition effect.
 GetBackstagePageTransitionTimeGets backstage page transition time.
 GetBackstageViewIconsStyleRetrieves an icon style of the Ribbon backstage items.
 GetCaptionButtonIconStyleReturns caption button icon style.
 GetCaptionCustomButtonRetrivies a custom caption button by index.
 GetCaptionCustomButtonsCountReturns custom caption buttons count.
 GetCategoryReturns a category located at the specified index.
 GetCategoryCountReturns a number of categories in ribbon bar.
 GetCategoryIndexReturns category index.
 GetCommandSearchOptionsGets the command search ("Tell me") options.
 GetContextNameRetrieves context name.
 GetCustomizationOptionsGets Ribbon bar customization options.
 GetDefaultBackstagePageGets default backstage page.
 GetDefaultHeightReturns a default (recommended) Ribbon Bar height. Should be used in the dialog mode only
 GetElementsByIDReturns an array of all elements with specified ID.
 GetExportedFileDefaultNameCalled by t5he framework to obtain a default name of the ribbon customization data file.
 GetGalleryIconsLookGets Ribbon gallery icons appearance.
 GetGalleryIconsLookInDarkThemesGets Ribbon gallery icons appearance in the dark themes.
 GetImagesLuminosityGets Ribbon images luminosity.
 GetImagesLuminosityInDarkThemesGets Ribbon images luminosity in the dark themes.
 GetKeyTipsDelayReturns key tips delay.
 GetMainButtonProvides access to main ribbon button.
 GetMainCategoryProvides access to main ribbon category.
 GetMinimizeButtonCalled by the framework when a Ribbon minimize button is created.
 GetMinimizeButtonLocationReturns the minimize button location.
 GetQuickAccessCommandsRetrieves the list of commands whose elements are located on Quick Access Toolbar.
 GetQuickAccessToolbarEditFlagsTells which Quick Access Toolbar customization features are available for the user (in the Quick Access Toolbar editing menu).
 GetSimplifiedModeOptionsObtains the simplified mode options.
 GetTabIconsStyleRetrieves an icon style of the Ribbon buttons located on the tabs row.
 GetVisibleElementsGets visible elements.
 HasBackstagePageCaptionsTells whether backstage pages have captions.
 HasMinimizeButtonTells whether minimize button is displayed or hidden.
 HideAllContextCategoriesHides all context categories.
 HideSingleTabSpecifies whether a single Ribbon tab should be hidden.
 HitTestReturns a pointer to a ribbon element located at the specified point.
 IsAnimationEnabledReturns nonzero if the animation during tab activation is enabled.
 IsAutoHideModeAvailableTells whether the Ribbon bar auto-hide mode is available in the current visual theme.
 IsAutoStartPageCheck whether a start page is automatically displayed on application startup.
 IsBackstageModeTells whether backstage mode is turned on or off.
 IsBackstageViewActiveTells whether backstage view is currently active, or not.
 IsCommandSearchEnabledTells whether the a command search is enabled.
 IsCustomizationEnabledTells whether a Ribbon bar customization is enabled.
 IsDefaultSystemMenuTells whether the default system menu is used instead of the themed menu.
 IsDialogModeTells whether the Ribbon Bar was crated as child of the dialog box or property page.
 IsGrayDisabledImagesTells whether the Ribbon disabled images should be grayed or not.
 IsHideSingleTabTells whether a single Ribbon tab should be hidden.
 IsInAutoHideModeTells whether the Ribbon bar is in auto-hide mode.
 IsKeyTipEnabledTells whether the key tips feature is enabled, or not.
 IsMinimizedTells whether the Ribbon bar is minimized or not.
 IsPrintPreviewEnabledTells whether the library-defined "Print Preview" tab is allowed.
 IsQuickAccessToolbarOnTopTells whether Quick Access Toolbar is located on the top, or on the bottom of ribbon control.
 IsQuickAccessToolbarVisibleTells whether Quick Access Toolbar is visible.
 IsReplaceFrameCaptionTells whether ribbon control replaces main frame caption, or is located under the frame caption.
 IsScenicLookTells whether the current look of Ribbon is scenic or regular.
 IsSimplifiedModeTells whether the Ribbon bar is in simplified mode.
 IsStartPageEnabledTells whether a start page is enabled.
 IsToolTipDescrEnabledTells whether tooltip descriptions are enabled or disabled.
 IsToolTipEnabledTells whether tooltips are enabled or disabled for the ribbon control.
 IsTouchModewhether the Ribbon bar touch mode is currently activated.
 LoadFromBufferLoads a Ribbon Bar schema from a memory buffer containing XML definition of the schema.
 LoadFromVSRibbonLoads a Ribbon Bar schema from Visual Studio Ribbon resource.
 LoadFromVSRibbonLoads a Ribbon Bar schema from Visual Studio Ribbon resource.
 LoadFromXMLLoads a Ribbon Bar schema from XML.
 LoadFromXMLLoads a Ribbon Bar schema from XML.
 OnFilterSearchResultCalled before a search result is added to the list of results.
 OnPrepareLightImagesCalled by the framework when a "light" (appeared on dark background) images needs to be prepared.
 RecalcLayoutRe-calculates the Ribbon bar layout.
 RemoveAllCaptionCustomButtonsRemoves all custom caption buttons.
 RemoveAllCategoriesRemoves all categories.
 RemoveAllFromTabsRemoves all ribbon elements from tab area.
 RemoveCategoryRemoves a category located at the specified index,
 ReplaceRibbonElementByIDReplaces ribbon controls that have a specific identifier with a new control.
 SetActiveCategoryActivates the specified category.
 SetApplicationModesSets Ribbon application modes.
 SetAutoHideModeEnables or disables the Ribbon bar auto-hide mode.
 SetBackgroundImageSets the Ribbon bar's background image
 SetBackgroundImageSets the Ribbon bar's background image
 SetBackstageModeTurns backstage mode on or off.
 SetBackstagePageTransitionEffectSets backstage page transition effect.
 SetBackstageViewIconsStyleSpecifies an icon style of the Ribbon backstage items.
 SetCaptionButtonIconStyleSpecifies a Ribbon caption button icon style.
 SetCommandSearchOptionsSpecifies the command search ("Tell me") options.
 SetDefaultBackstagePageSets default backstage page.
 SetDefaultSystemMenuSpecifies the Ribbon system menu style.
 SetElementKeysSets the specified key tips for all Ribbon's elements with specified command ID.
 SetGrayDisabledImagesSpecifies whether the Ribbon disabled images should be grayed or not.
 SetImagesLuminositySpecifies the Ribbon images luminosity.
 SetImagesLuminosityInDarkThemesSpecifies the Ribbon images luminosity in the dark themes.
 SetMainButtonSets main ribbon button.
 SetMinimizeButtonLocationSpecifies the minimize button location.
 SetQuickAccessCommandsPlaces ribbon elements on Quick Access Toolbar.
 SetQuickAccessDefaultStateSets the current QAT state.
 SetQuickAccessToolbarEditFlagsSpecifies which Quick Access Toolbar customization features are available for the user (in the Quick Access Toolbar editing menu).
 SetQuickAccessToolbarLabelsSpecifies whether Quick Access Toolbar text labels are visible.
 SetQuickAccessToolbarOnTopRelocates Quick Access Toolbar on the top, or on the bottom of ribbon control.
 SetQuickAccessToolbarVisibleShows or hides the Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar.
 SetScenicLookSets or unsets scenic look for Ribbon Bar.
 SetSimplifiedModeEnables or disables the Ribbon bar simplified mode.
 SetSimplifiedModeOptionsSpecifies the simplified mode options.
 SetTabButtonIconsSets icons for the buttons located on the same row as tabs (on the right side).
 SetTabIconsStyleSpecifies an icon style of the Ribbon buttons located on the tabs row.
 ShowBackstagePrintViewActivates backstage "Print" page.
 ShowBackstageRecentViewActivates backstage "Recent" page.
 ShowBackstageViewActivates a backstage page.
 ShowBackstageViewActivates a backstage page.
 ShowCategoryShows or hides category.
 ShowContextCategoriesShows or hides context categories with specified context ID.
 ShowStartPageActivates a start page.
 ToggleMinimizeStateToggles minimized and normal Ribbon control state.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPControlBar
 AdjustSizeImmediateImmediately recalculates layout of a control bar.
 CalcInsideRectCalculates the inside rectangle of a control bar taking into account the borders and grippers.
 CanBeDockedDetermines whether a control bar can be docked at the specified dock bar.
 CanBeTabbedDocumentTells whether control bar can be converted to tabbed document.
 CreateCreates the Windows control bar and attaches it to the CBCGPControlBar object.
 CreateDefaultMiniframeCreates a mini-frame window for a control bar when it's being floated.
 CreateExCreates the Windows control bar and attaches it to the CBCGPControlBar object.
 DockControlBarDocks the control bar to a dock bar.
 DoesAllowSiblingBarsIndicates whether it is possible to dock another control bar at the same row where this control bar is docked.
 FloatControlBarMakes the control bar floating.
 GetBordersReturns the width of the control bar borders.
 GetExclusiveRowModeTells whether the control bar is in exclusive row mode or not.
 OnAfterChangeParentCalled by the framework when the parent of a control bar has changed.
 OnAfterFloatCalled by the framework when a control bar has floated.
 OnBeforeChangeParentCalled by the framework when the parent of the control bar is about to be changed as a result of docking or floating operation.
 OnBeforeFloatCalled by the framework when a control bar is about to float.
 OnPressCloseButtonCalled by the framework when user presses the close button on control bar's caption.
 OnShowControlBarMenuCalled by the framework when a special control bar menu is about to be displayed.
 SetBordersSets the border values of the control bar.
 SetBordersSets the border values of the control bar.
 SetExclusiveRowModeEnables or disables the exclusive row mode.
 SetMiniFrameRTCSets the runtime class information about the default mini-frame window.
 ToggleAutoHideToggles autohide mode.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPBaseControlBar
 AddControlBarAdds a control bar to docking manager.
 AdjustDockingLayoutRedirects a call to docking manager to adjust docking layout.
 AdjustLayoutCalled by the framework when a control bar should adjust its internal layout according to a new size or position.
 CanAcceptBarDetermines whether another control bar can be docked to this control bar.
 CanAutoHideDetermines whether the control bar can be switched to autohide mode.
 CanBeAttachedCalled by the framework to determine if the control bar can be docked to another control bar or frame window.
 CanBeClosedDetermines whether the control bar may be hidden.
 CanBeResizedDetermines whether this control bar can be resized.
 CanFloatDetermines whether the control bar can float.
 CanFocusSpecifies whether a control bar can receive focus.
 CreateExCreates a Windows control.
 DoesAllowDynInsertBeforeDetermines whether it is possible to dynamically insert a control bar before this control bar.
 EnableDockingEnables docking to the main frame.
 EnableGripperEnables/disables the control caption (gripper).
 GetBarIconReturns control bar icon.
 GetBarStyleReturns the control bar style.
 GetBCGStyleReturns the library specific control bar styles.
 GetCurrentAlignmentReturns the current control bar alignment.
 GetDockModeReturns the current dock mode for the control bar.
 GetDockRowReturns a pointer to a dock bar row.
 GetDockSiteReturns a pointer to dock site.
 GetEnabledAlignmentReturns the enabled alignment.
 GetParentMiniFrameReturns a pointer to the parent mini-frame window.
 GetParentTabWndRetrieves a pointer to the parent tabbed window.
 IsDockedDetermines whether the control bar is docked or not.
 IsHorizontalDetermines whether the control bar is docked horizontally.
 IsMDITabbedTells whether control bar is placed on MDI child window as tabbed document.
 IsVisibleDetermines whether a control bar is visible or not.
 OnRemoveFromMiniFrameCalled by the framework when a control bar is being removed from its parent mini-frame window.
 SetBarAlignmentSets the current alignment for a control bar.
 SetBarStyleSets a control bar style
 SetDockModeSets a new docking method for a control bar.
 ShowControlBarShows or hides a control bar.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
 CBCGPAnimationManagerDefault constructor.
 GetAnimatedValueGets current animated value.
 GetAnimationDurationGets animation duration.
 GetLastAnimationErrorGets the animation error returned by recent call to Windows Animation API.
 IsAnimatedChecks if animation is running.
 StartAnimationStarts an animation.
 StartFlashAnimationStarts "flash" animation.
 StopAnimationStops an animation.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
enum  BCGPAnimationType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
 IsAnimationSupportedByOSChecks if animation is supported by OS.
- Public Attributes inherited from CBCGPControlBar
 m_recentDockInfoContains the recent docking information.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CBCGPControlBar
 m_bHandleMinSizeEnables consistent handling of minimal size.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CBCGPControlBar
 OnAfterDockCalled by the framework when a control bar has been docked.
 OnBeforeDockCalled by the framework when the control bar is about to be docked.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CBCGPBaseControlBar
 DoPaintPaints the control bar.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
 OnAnimationIdleCalled by the framework in an animation idle time.