BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The BCGPChartFormatArea structure defines options that can be applied to Chart areas. An area represents a (rectangular) shape that is filled by defined color. The shape is drawn with outline that has the specified width, color and stroke style.

You can also specify a content padding to leave a gap between the area content and borders.

+ Inheritance diagram for BCGPChartFormatArea:

Public Member Functions

 CopyFromCopies data from source area format structure.
 Generate3DColorsForThickWallsCall this method to automatically generate custom colors for thick walls and floor in 3D charts.
 GetContentPaddingReturns an object content padding.
 operator=Copy operator.
 ResetResets an object to its default state.
 SetContentPaddingModifies an object content padding.

Public Attributes

 m_brBottomFillColorSpecifies fill color of bottom faces of 3D shapes, also used for base thick floor and main thin floor color.
 m_brFillColorSpecifies area fill color.
 m_brFloorFillColorBottom3DUsed to fill the bottom face of thick floor in 3D charts.
 m_brFloorFillColorSide3DUsed to fill the left or right face of thick floor in 3D charts.
 m_brFloorFillColorTop3DUsed to fill the top face of thick floor in 3D charts.
 m_brLeftWallFillColorBottom3DUsed to fill the bottom face of left wall in 3D charts.
 m_brLeftWallFillColorSide3DUsed to fill the left and right faces of left wall in 3D charts.
 m_brLeftWallFillColorTop3DUsed to fill the top face of left wall in 3D charts.
 m_brRightWallFillColorBottom3DUsed to fill the bottom face of right wall in 3D charts.
 m_brRightWallFillColorSide3DUsed to fill the left and right faces of right wall in 3D charts.
 m_brRightWallFillColorTop3DUsed to fill the top face of right wall in 3D charts.
 m_brSideFillColorSpecifies fill color of left and right faces of any 3D shape; specifies base fill color of left wall in 3D charts.
 m_brTopFillColorTop color of bars
 m_outlineFormatSpecifies area outline format, e.g. line color, line width and line stroke style.
 m_outlineFormatFloorDefines outline options of floor in 3D charts.
 m_outlineFormatLeftWallDefines outline options of left wall in 3D charts.

Protected Attributes

 m_szContentPaddingSpecifies area content padding - gaps between content displayed in the area (for example, text) and area borders.