BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPMDIFrameWnd class provides the functionality of a Windows multiple document interface (MDI) frame window and extends it allowing integration with BCGControlBar Library.

If you want to take advantage of BCGControlBar Library's toolbar customization features in MDI application, you're required to derive the application MDI frame window class from the CBCGPMDIFrameWnd class instead of CMDIFrameWnd class.

See also

Inherits CMDIFrameWnd.

Public Member Functions

 AddControlBarRegisters a control bar with the docking manager
 AddCustomCaptionButtonAdds a custom caption button.
 AdjustDockingLayoutRecalculates the layout of docked control bars.
 AreFloatingBarsCanBeMaximizedTells whether a maximize button is displayed on the floating control bar caption.
 AreFloatingBarsHaveMenuButtonTells whether a menu button is displayed on the floating control bar caption.
 AreMDIChildrenTearOffTells whether MDI tear-off frames are enabled or not.
 AreMDITabsTells whether MDITabs or MDI Tabbed Groups features is enabled, or not.
 CanConvertControlBarToMDIChildCalled by the framework to determine whether the frame allows to convert docking control bars to tabbed documents.
 ControlBarFromPointGiven a point in screen coordinates returns a docking control bar that contains this point.
 ControlBarFromPointGiven a point in screen coordinates returns a docking control bar that contains this point.
 ControlBarToTabbedDocumentTurns a docking control bar to tabbed document.
 CreateDocumentWindowCalled by the framework during loading of the list of documents previously saved in the registry.
 DisableThemeCaptionDisables theme caption in Office 2007 mode.
 DockControlBarCauses a control bar to be docked to the frame window.
 DockControlBarLeftOfDocks one toolbar at the left side of the other toolbar
 EnableAutoHideBarsEnables ability to switch control bars to the autohide mode when they're docked at the specified sides of the main frame window.
 EnableControlBarMenuEnables or disables automatic handling of "control bar menu".
 EnableCustomCaptionButtonEnables or disables a custom caption button.
 EnableDockingEnables docking of the toolbars that belongs the MDI frame window.
 EnableFloatingBarsMenuButtonSpecifies whether a menu button should be displayed on the floating control bar caption.
 EnableFrameCaptionBarEnables or disables the frame caption bar.
 EnableFullScreenCloseToolBarEnables or disablesthe full screen "Close" tool bar. By default, this toolbar is visible.
 EnableFullScreenMainMenuMakes the main menu visible or invisible in the full screen mode.
 EnableFullScreenModeEnables the full screen mode for a frame.
 EnableMaximizeFloatingBarsSpecifies whether a maximize button should be displayed on the floating control bar caption.
 EnableMDITabbedGroupsEnables or disables the MDI Tabbed Groups feature.
 EnableMDITabsEnables the MDI frame window to show tabs for each MDI child window.
 EnableMDITabsLastActiveActivationEnables activation of the last active tab when the current tab is closed.
 EnableTearOffMDIChildrenEnables or disables MDI tear-off frames support/
 EnableWindowsDialogInserts a menu item whose command invokes a windows management dialog box.
 EnableWindowsDialogInserts a menu item whose command invokes a windows management dialog box.
 EnableWindowsNavigatorSpecifies whether Windows Navigator should ne displayed upon pressing Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab key combinations.
 GetActivePopupReturns a pointer to the currently displayed popup menu.
 GetCommandCustomNotificationBadgeSizeCalled by the framework to obtain a custom notification badge size.
 GetControlBarGiven a control ID returns a pointer to control bar with the specified ID.
 GetDefaultResIdReturns a resource ID from which the MDI frame window was loaded.
 GetFrameCaptionBarGets a pointer to the frame caption bar.
 GetInputModeGets an input mode.
 GetMDITabColorCalled by the framework to obtain a custom color of MDI tab.
 GetMDITabGroupsReturns a list of MDI Tabbed Groups (a list of tabbed windows).
 GetMDITabsReturns a reference to underlined tabbed window.
 GetMDITabsContextMenuAllowedItemsReturns a combination of flags that determines what context menu items are allowed for a context menu (for MDI Tabbed Groups only)
 GetMenuBarReturns a pointer to a menu bar object attached to the frame window.
 GetRegisteredWithTaskBarMDIChildCountReturns a number of MDI children registered with Windows task bar.
 GetTearOffBarsReturns a list of control bar objects with "tear-off" state.
 InsertControlBarRegisters a control bar with the docking manager inserting the control bar after the specifies control bar.
 IsCustomCaptionButtonEnabledTells whether a custom caption button is enabled.
 IsFullScreenTells whether the frame window is working in full screen mode.
 IsMDITabbedGroupTells whether the MDI Tabbed Groups feature is enabled.
 IsMemberOfMDITabGroupTells whether a tabbed window is located among other windows in MDI Tabbed Group.
 IsMenuBarAvailableDetermines whether a pointer to menu bar object is not NULL.
 IsPrintPreviewTells whether the child frame is in print preview mode.
 IsWindowsNavigatorActiveTells whether the Windows Navigator is active.
 IsWindowsNavigatorEnabledTells whether windows Navigator (invoked by Ctrl+Tab) is enabled.
 IsWsCaptionStyleTells whether a window with themed non-client area is created with WS_CAPTION style.
 LoadMDIStateLoads the layout of MDI Tabbed Groups and the list of previously opened documents.
 MDITabMoveToNextGroupMoves the active tab to the next or previous group.
 MDITabNewGroupCreates a new tabbed group (a new tabbed window)
 OnClickMDINewTabCalled by the framework when user clicks MDI Tabs "New" button.
 OnCloseDockingBarCalled when the user clicks "close" button and a docking bar is about to be hidden.
 OnCloseMiniFrameCalled when the user clicks "close" button and a floating mini-frame window is about to be hidden.
 OnClosePopupMenuCalled by the framework when an active popup menu is being destroyed.
 OnDrawCommandCustomNotificationBadge<summaryCalled by the framework to draw a command custom notification badge.
 OnDrawMenuImageCalled by the framework when a menu image is being rendered.
 OnDrawMenuLogoCalled by the framework when a CBCGPPopupMenu processes WM_PAINT message.
 OnEraseMDIClientBackgroundCalled by the framework when the MDI frame window is being processing WM_ERASEBKGND message.
 OnGetMDITabCustomToolTipOverride this method to specify an MDI tab custom tooltip.
 OnGetRecentFileIconCalled by the framework to obtain the recent file icon.
 OnMenuButtonToolHitTestCalled by the framework when a CBCGPToolbarButton object is processing WM_NCHITTEST message.
 OnShowControlBarsCalled by the framework to show and hide control bars.
 OnShowCustomizePaneCalled by the framework when a QuickCustiomizePane is being activated.
 OnShowMDITabContextMenuCalled by the framework when a context menu should be displayed on one of the tabs (for MDI Tabbed Groups only).
 OnShowPopupMenuCalled by the framework when a popup menu is being activated.
 OnTearOffMenuCalled by the framework when a menu with tear-off bar is being activated.
 ReattachTearOffWindowsReattach all torn-off MDI child frames back to the main application frame.
 RegisterAllMDIChildrenWithTaskbarRegisters all MDI children with Windows 7 task bar in order to display their content in task bar thumbnails.
 RemoveAllCustomCaptionButtonsRemoves all custom caption buttons.
 RemoveControlBarFromDockManagerUnregisters a control bar removing it from the docking manager's internal list.
 ResetMDITabColorsResets all MDI tab background colors to their default values.
 SaveMDIStateSaves the layout of MDI Tabbed Groups and the list of previously opened documents.
 SetDockingBarsIconListSpecify a docking bars (panes) icon list.
 SetInputModeSets input mode.
 SetMDITabStateAnimationImagesSets MDI tab state animation images.
 SetMDITabStateAnimationImagesSets MDI tab state animation images.
 SetupToolbarMenuModifies a toolbar object by looking for dummy items and replacing them with user-defined items.
 ShowControlBarCall this member function to show or hide the control bar.
 ShowFullScreenToggles full screen and regular modes.
 ShowWindowsDialogInvokes the open windows management dialog.
 TabbedDocumentToControlBarConverts tabbed document to docking control bar.

Static Public Attributes

 m_bDisableSetRedrawEnables or disables redraw optimization for MDI children.

Protected Attributes

 m_bCanConvertControlBarToMDIChildTells whether docking control bars can be converted to MDI child windows.
 m_MDITabStateAnimationImagesMDI tab "Busy" indicator.