BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPGestureConfig class is used for gesture events enabling/disabling.

Call CBCGPGestureManager::SetGestureConfig to configure the messages that are sent from a window for Windows Touch gestures.

Inherits CObject.

Public Member Functions

 EnablePanEnable/disable gesture pan.
 EnablePressAndTapEnable/disable gesture press and tap.
 EnableRotateEnable/disable gesture rotate.
 EnableTwoFingerTapEnable/disable gesture two finger tap.
 EnableZoomEnable/disable gesture zoom.
 GetObtains a specific gesture options.
 IsPanAllEnabledDetermines whether the gesture pan feature is enabled.
 IsPanHorizontalEnabledDetermines whether the gesture horizontal pan feature is enabled.
 IsPanVerticalEnabledDetermines whether the gesture vertical pan feature is enabled.
 IsPanWithGutterEnabledDetermines whether the gesture pan with gutter feature is enabled.
 IsPanWithInertiaEnabledDetermines whether the gesture pan with inertia feature is enabled.
 IsPressAndTapEnabledDetermines whether the gesture press and tap feature is enabled.
 IsRotateEnabledDetermines whether the gesture rotate feature is enabled.
 IsTwoFingerTapEnabledDetermines whether the gesture two finger tap feature is enabled.
 IsZoomEnabledDetermines whether the gesture zoom feature is enabled.
 ModifyModify specific gesture options.