BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPRatingCtrl class implements a rating control with a number of stars ranging from 2 to 10. Also, the developer can specify the custom colors and make this control either dynamic (editable) or static (read-only).

Inherits CButton.

Public Member Functions

 CBCGPRatingCtrlDefault constructor.
 EnableClearEnables or disables the "clear rating" mode.
 GetColorsRetrieves the rating control's custom colors.
 GetHighlightedValueRetrieves the currently highlighted star index.
 GetHorzAlignRetrieves the rating control horizontal alignment.
 GetMaxRatingRetrieves the maximal rating value (number of the stars).
 GetRatingRetrieves the rating value.
 GetValueSpecifies the average rating value (read-only mode only).
 IsClearEnabledTells whether the "clear rating" mode is enabled.
 IsHandCursorTells whether the control has the "hand" mouse cursor.
 IsReadOnlyTells whether the rating control is read-only.
 SetColorsSpecifies the rating control's custom colors.
 SetHandCursorSpecifies whether the control has the "hand" mouse cursor.
 SetHorzAlignSpecifies the rating control horizontal alignment.
 SetMaxRatingSpecifies the maximal rating value (number of the stars).
 SetRatingSpecifies the rating value.
 SetReadOnlySets the read-only flag and makes the rating control read-only.
 SetValueSpecifies the average rating value (read-only mode only).

Public Attributes

 m_bDrawFocusIt specifies whether the focus rectangle should be drawn around the focused control to indicate the user's input.
 m_bOnGlassSpecifies whether a control is located on the "glass" (DWM) area of the parent window.
 m_bVisualManagerStyleSpecifies whether a control has a Visual Manager style look.