BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

Specifies a themed file dialog options. Pass a pointer to this structure to CBCGPFileDialogEx constructor.

If you wish to specify options for all themed file dialogs in your application, use a global member CBCGPWinApp::m_FileDialogOptions.

Public Attributes

 m_bAddMRUFilesSpecifies whether application's recently used files should be added to the "File Name" combo box.
 m_bDisplayThumbnailsSpecifies whether thumbnails should be displayed instead of icons (when a shell list mode is "Large Icons").
 m_bExpandToOpenFolderSpecifies whether a shell navigation pane (tree) should be expanded to the currently selected folder.
 m_bPickFoldersModeSpecifies whether dialog has Pick Folders mode.
 m_bShowHiddenListItemsSpecifies whether a shell list should display the hidden folders.
 m_bShowHiddenTreeItemsSpecifies whether a shell navigation pane (tree) should display the hidden folders.
 m_strCaptionSpecifies a File Dialog caption. If this member is empty, the default standard caption will be used.
 m_strOKButtonLabelSpecifies "OK" button's text label. If this member is empty, the default standard label will be used.