BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPToolBarImages class simplifies processing of toolbar images loaded from resource files or from disk files.

The toolbar bitmap is a large bitmap containing a set of small images (toolbar images) of a fixed size.

The CBCGPToolBarImages class:

  • supports access to toolbar images by index and by associated command ID.
  • renders images by index ID.
  • adjusts images color palette to the system palette.
  • allows to maintain user defined images, created during toolbar customization.

Inherits CObject.

Public Member Functions

 CBCGPToolBarImagesThe default constructor
 AdaptColorsReplaces encapsulated image list color with specified tone color. All colors with similar hue component (specified by clrBase parameter) will be replaced with adapted colors based on clrTone.
 AdaptColorsReplaces encapsulated image list color with specified tone color. All colors with similar hue component (specified by clrBase parameter) will be replaced with adapted colors based on clrTone.
 AddIconAdds an icon to the list of toolbar images.
 AddImageAdds a new bitmap to a collection of toolbar images.
 AddImageAdds an image from image list to a collection of toolbar images.
 AddImageListAdds a whole image list to a collection of toolbar images.
 AddSVGAdds an SVG to the list of toolbar images.
 AddSVGIconFromFontAdds an SVG icon from the font.
 AddSVGListAdds an SVG image list to a collection of toolbar images.
 ClearFrees the system resources previously allocated by the CBCGPToolBarImages object.
 ConvertTo24BitsConverts the encapsulated images to 24bpp format
 ConvertTo32BitsConverts the encapsulated images to 32bpp format
 ConvertToGrayScaleConverts encapsulated image list to gray scale.
 CreateFromImageListCreates (initializes) toolbar images from an external image list.
 DeleteImageDeletes an image from the user-defined bitmap.
 DrawCalled when an image maintained by a toolbar images object need to be rendered.
 DrawExCalled when an image maintained by a toolbar images object need to be rendered.
 EndDrawImageCalled when an image has been displayed.
 ExportToImageListExports toolbar images to an external image list.
 ExtractBitmapExtracts a bitmap from the list of toolbar images.
 ExtractIconExtracts an icon from the list of toolbar images.
 GetCountReturns a number of toolbar images contained in the CBCGPToolBarImages object.
 GetImageSizeRetrieves a size either of source or destination image.
 GetImageWellReturns a handle to a bitmap, which contains all toolbar images.
 GetResourceIDReturns image resource identifier.
 GetResourceOffsetGiven an image resource ID returns an image index.
 GetSVGGets an SVG image by index.
 GetSVGFontIconColorRetrivies a foreground color of SVG font icon.
 GetTransparentColorGets the transparent color.
 GrayImagesGrays images in the collection.
 InvertColorsIverts encapsulated image list colors.
 IsDPIAwarePMTells whether image list supports DPI awareness PM V2
 IsReadOnlyDetermines whether the toolbar images are read-only or not.
 IsSVGImageTells whether the image located at specified index is SVG or not.
 IsSVGListTells whether the image list includes SVG icons only.
 IsUserImagesListDetermines whether the CBCGPToolBarImages object contains user-defined toolbar images or not.
 IsValidDetermines if a CBCGPToolBarImages object is valid.
 LoadLoads a bitmap with toolbar images.
 LoadLoads a bitmap with toolbar images.
 LoadStrLoads a bitmap with toolbar images.
 MakeDarkerMakes encapsulated image list darker.
 MakeLighterMakes encapsulated image list lighter.
 MirrorIntended for RTL support. Mirrors all images in the collection.
 PrepareDrawImageAllocates resources according to destination size to render a toolbar image.
 SaveStores the user-defined toolbar images into a disk file.
 SetDPIAwarePMSpecify whether image list supports DPI awareness PM V2
 SetImageSizeSets the size of source images.
 SetSVGFontIconColorChanges a foreground color of SVG font icon.
 SetTransparentColorSets the transparent color.
 SimplifySimplifies images in the collection.
 SmoothResizeUses bicubic algorithm to resize toolbar images.
 UpdateImageUpdates a user-defined toolbar image from a bitmap.
 UpdateSVGReplaces an existing image with a new SVG.

Static Public Member Functions

 FillDitheredRectFills a given rectangle by using a specific brush created from system colors.
 GetDisabledImageAlphaReturns the current alpha channel value used for disabled images.
 Is32BitTransparencySupportedTells whether 32-bit alpha blending is supported at runtime.
 IsRTLTells whether RTL support is enabled.
 MirrorBitmapIntended for RTL support. Flips a bitmap.
 SetDisabledImageAlphaSets a custom alpha channel value for disabled images.

Static Public Attributes

 m_bDisableTrueColorAlphaSpecifies whether the TrueColor alpha-blending is enabled or disabled.