This is the complete list of members for CBCGPToolBarImages, including all inherited members.
AdaptColors(COLORREF clrBase, COLORREF clrTone, BOOL bClampHue=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
AdaptColors(COLORREF clrBase, COLORREF clrTone, double dOpacity) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
AddIcon(HICON hIcon, BOOL bAlphaBlend=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
AddImage(HBITMAP hbmp, BOOL bSetBitPerPixel=FALSE, BOOL bFitImage=FALSE, BOOL bPremultiplyAlpha=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
AddImage(const CBCGPToolBarImages &imageList, int nIndex) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
AddImageList(const CBCGPToolBarImages &src, BOOL bSetBitPerPixel=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
AddSVG(CBCGPSVGImage *pSVG) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
AddSVGIconFromFont(const CString &strFontFamily, WCHAR nChar, COLORREF color=CLR_DEFAULT) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
AddSVGList(const CBCGPSVGImageList &svg) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
CBCGPToolBarImages() | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
Clear() | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
ConvertTo24Bits() | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
ConvertTo32Bits(COLORREF clrTransparent=(COLORREF)-1) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
ConvertToGrayScale(double dblLumRatio=1.0, BOOL bAutoConvertAfterReLoad=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
CreateFromImageList(const CImageList &imageList) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
DeleteImage(int iImage) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
Draw(CDC *pDC, int x, int y, int iImageIndex, BOOL bHilite=FALSE, BOOL bDisabled=FALSE, BOOL bIndeterminate=FALSE, BOOL bShadow=FALSE, BOOL bInactive=FALSE, BYTE alphaSrc=255, BOOL bIsIgnoreAlpha=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
DrawEx(CDC *pDC, CRect rect, int iImageIndex, ImageAlignHorz horzAlign=ImageAlignHorzLeft, ImageAlignVert vertAlign=ImageAlignVertTop, CRect rectSrc=CRect(0, 0, 0, 0), BYTE alphaSrc=255, BOOL bIsIgnoreAlpha=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
EndDrawImage(CBCGPDrawState &ds) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
ExportToImageList(CImageList &imageList, BOOL bMask32=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
ExtractBitmap(int nIndex, CSize sizeBitmapSVG=CSize(0, 0)) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
ExtractIcon(int nIndex, CSize sizeIconSVG=CSize(0, 0)) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
FillDitheredRect(CDC *pDC, const CRect &rect) | CBCGPToolBarImages | static |
GetCount() const | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
GetDisabledImageAlpha() | CBCGPToolBarImages | inlinestatic |
GetImageSize(BOOL bDest=FALSE, const CWnd *pWnd=NULL) const | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
GetImageWell() const | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
GetResourceID() const | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
GetResourceOffset(UINT uiResId) const | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
GetSVG(int nIndex) const | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
GetSVGFontIconColor(int iImage) const | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
GetTransparentColor() const | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
GrayImages(int nGrayPercentage) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
InvertColors() | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
Is32BitTransparencySupported() | CBCGPToolBarImages | static |
IsDPIAwarePM() const | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
IsReadOnly() const | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
IsRTL() | CBCGPToolBarImages | inlinestatic |
IsSVGImage(int iImage) const | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
IsSVGList() const | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
IsUserImagesList() const | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
IsValid() const | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
Load(UINT uiResID, HINSTANCE hinstRes=NULL, BOOL bAdd=FALSE, LPCTSTR lpszResType=NULL) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
Load(LPCTSTR lpszBmpFileName) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
LoadStr(LPCTSTR lpszResourceName, HINSTANCE hinstRes=NULL, BOOL bAdd=FALSE, LPCTSTR lpszResType=NULL) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
m_bDisableTrueColorAlpha | CBCGPToolBarImages | static |
MakeDarker(double dblRatio=.25) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
MakeLighter(double dblRatio=.25) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
Mirror() | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
MirrorBitmap(HBITMAP &hbmp, int cxImage) | CBCGPToolBarImages | static |
PrepareDrawImage(CBCGPDrawState &ds, CSize sizeImageDest=CSize(0, 0), BOOL bFadeInactive=FALSE, BOOL bCreateDPIImage=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
Save(LPCTSTR lpszBmpFileName=NULL) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
SetDisabledImageAlpha(BYTE nValue) | CBCGPToolBarImages | inlinestatic |
SetDPIAwarePM(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
SetImageSize(SIZE sizeImage, BOOL bUpdateCount=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
SetSVGFontIconColor(int iImage, COLORREF color) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
SetTransparentColor(COLORREF clrTransparent) | CBCGPToolBarImages | inline |
Simplify() | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
SmoothResize(double dblImageScale) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
UpdateImage(int iImage, HBITMAP hbmp, BOOL bFitImage=FALSE, BOOL bPremultiplyAlpha=FALSE) | CBCGPToolBarImages | |
UpdateSVG(int iImage, CBCGPSVGImage *pSVG) | CBCGPToolBarImages |