BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPGridPageInfo structure is a helper structure that holds the data required for printing.

A pointer to this structure is passed around using CPrintInfo::m_lpUserData.

Public Attributes

 m_nFirstColSpecifies index of the first column to print.
 m_nFirstColumnInPageStores a zero-based index of first column on grid page.
 m_nFirstInPageSpecifies index of the first row at the page.
 m_nFirstItemSpecifies index of the first row to print.
 m_nGroupsCountNumber of groups before current page.
 m_nGroupsInPageSpecifies visible group count on the page.
 m_nItemsCountNumber of terminal rows (not groups) before current page.
 m_nItemsInPageSpecifies visible terminal row (not group) count at the page.
 m_nLastColSpecifies index of the last column to print.
 m_nLastColumnInPageStores a zero-based index of last column on grid page.
 m_nLastItemSpecifies index of the last row to print.
 m_nPageIndex of page being printed.
 m_nPageWidthSpecifies the width of the current page in pixels of print dc.
 m_nTotalInPageSpecifies total row count on the page.
 m_rectPageItemsBounding rectangle of area occupied by grid items.
 m_szOneLogical height and width of one point.