BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The BCGPGLOBAL_DATA structure contains the global data used across application. Most of this data is initialized on the application startup. You can change some values to customize the look and feel of your application.

+ Inheritance diagram for BCGPGLOBAL_DATA:

Public Member Functions

 EnableAccessibilitySupportEnable or disable active accessibility support.
 GetShellAutohideBarsReturns position of Shell auto hide bars.
 GetWindowsAccentColorGets Windows accent color.
 IsAccessibilitySupportTells whether accessibility support can be enabled on user's machine.
 IsAppDarkModeTells whether default application mode is a dark.
 IsDPIAwarenessPMSupportedTells whether DPI awareness per-monitor (v2) is supported in the current application.
 IsTitleBarAccentColorTells whether window title bar is colored.
 IsWindowsLayerSupportAvailableTells whether the current OS supports layered windows.
 SetDPIAwareMakes the application High DPI aware.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BCGP_GLOBAL_DATA_DPI
 GetCommonIconReturns a common icon handle.

Public Attributes

 bIsOSAlphaBlendingSupportSpecifies whether the current OS supports alpha blending.
 bIsWindows10Specifies whether the application is running under Windows 10 or later.
 bIsWindows11Specifies whether the application is running under Windows 11 or later.
 bIsWindows2000Specifies whether the application is running under Windows 2000 or later.
 bIsWindows7Specifies whether the application is running under Windows 7 or later.
 bIsWindows8Specifies whether the application is running under Windows 8 or later.
 bIsWindows9xSpecifies whether the application is running under Windows 95/98 or ME.
 bIsWindowsNT4Specifies whether the application is running under Windows NT4.
 bIsWindowsVistaSpecifies whether the application is running under Windows Vista or later.
 bIsWindowsXPSpecifies whether the application is running under Windows XP or later.
 m_bAutoHideScrollBarsSpecifies whether to automatically hide application scrollbars.
 m_bAutoPrepareComboListStylesSpecifies whether all non-owner-draw combo boxes and list boxes should be recreated with owner-draw "fixed" + "has strings" styles.
 m_bAutoSimplifyActiveIconsSpecifies whether automatically simplify the icons of the highlighted area to contrast with the background. By default, this member is TRUE.
 m_bControlsVisualManagerStyleSpecifies whether to draw controls using current Visual Manager style.
 m_bDPICursorScalingSpecifies whether internal library cursors are DPI-aware. Starting Windows 10, the cursors are automatically scaled by OS, by default, so this flag is FALSE for Windows 10 or 11 and TRUE for the earlier OS versions..
 m_bIsDlgWsCaptionStyleSpecifies whether dialog boxes with a themed non-client area are created with WS_CAPTION style. By default, this member is FALSE.
 m_bIsFrameWsCaptionStyleSpecifies whether frame windows with a themed non-client area are created with WS_CAPTION style. By default, this member is TRUE.
 m_bIsMiniFrameWsCaptionStyleSpecifies whether mini-frame windows with a themed non-client area are created with WS_CAPTION style. By default, this member is FALSE.
 m_bMFCV1BackwardCompatibilityWhen this member is TRUE, the pre-last item in the MDI menu is treated as the "Windows" menu, replicating MFC 2.0 or earlier behavior. FALSE by default.
 m_bShowTooltipsOnRibbonFloatySpecifies whether to show tooltips for Ribbon mini-toolbar (Floaty) buttons (TRUE), or not (FALSE).
 m_bTabletDisablePressAndHoldSpecifies whether gesture-enabled windows are receiving "Press and Hold" gesture event. By default, this member is FALSE.
 m_bThemedBalloonTipsSpecifies whether balloon tooltips (used in CBCGPEdit control) are themed. By default, this member is TRUE.
 m_bUseAccessKeyAsAccessibilityKeySpecifies which type of accessibility key (FALSE - keyboard accelerator or TRUE - underlined character) will be returned by the get_accKeyboardShortcut method. By default, this flag is FALSE.
 m_bUseBuiltIn32BitIconsTells the framework whether to use 32 bit color icons or use 4 bit color icons when displaying library built-in images.
 m_bUseDlgFontInControlsSpecifies whether to use a dialog's font in all dialog child controls.
 m_bUseSystemFontIndicates a value whether a system font is used for menu/toolbar/ribbons.
 m_bUseVisualManagerInBuiltInDialogsSpecifies whether to draw built-in dialogs using current Visual Manager style.
 m_DlgCornerTypeSpecifies dialog boxes and property sheets corner type (Windows 11 or later only). By default, this member is BCGP_DWMWCP_DEFAULT.
 m_dwTestingModeSpecifies whether a "testing" command name will be used by accessibility or testing tools instead of the "real" name. By default, this member is FALSE.
 m_FrameCornerTypeSpecifies frame windows corner type (Windows 11 or later only). By default, this member is BCGP_DWMWCP_DEFAULT.
 m_MiniFrameCornerTypeSpecifies mini-frame windows corner type (Windows 11 or later only). By default, this member is BCGP_DWMWCP_DEFAULT.
 m_nAutoInverseIconsInDarkThemeSpecifies which control bars should automatically invert the icons luminosity in the dark themes.
 m_PopupMenuCornerTypeSpecifies popup windows corner type (Windows 11 or later only). By default, this member is BCGP_DWMWCP_DEFAULT.
 m_sizeRibbonCategoryPaddingSpecifies a ribbon category (tab) internal padding.
 m_sizeRibbonPanelPaddingSpecifies a ribbon panel (group) internal padding.
- Public Attributes inherited from BCGP_GLOBAL_DATA_DPI
 m_hcurHandHolds the handle to the hand cursor.
 m_hcurStretchHolds the handle to the horizontal stretch cursor.
 m_hcurStretchVertHolds the handle to the vertical stretch cursor.
 m_hiconAppA handle to a default application icon.
 m_hiconColorsHolds the handle to the color picker icon.
 m_hiconLinkHolds the handle to the hyperlink icon (small).
 m_hiconLinkLargeHolds the handle to the hyperlink icon (large).
 m_hiconToolHolds the handle to the tool icon (small).
 m_hiconToolLargeHolds the handle to the tool icon (large).
 m_nAutoHideToolBarMarginSpecifies the offset from the leftmost autohide toolbar to the left side of the dock bar.
 m_nAutoHideToolBarSpacingSpecifies the gap (in pixels) between autohide toolbars.
 m_nDragFrameThiknessDockSpecifies the thickness of the drag frame when it indicates docking.
 m_nDragFrameThiknessFloatSpecifies the thickness of the drag frame when it indicates floating.