BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPRibbonPanel class implements functionality of a single entity that contains a set of ribbon elements. The panel has a special layout logic which allows to display as many elements as possible according to its current size.

A list of ribbon panels is laid out on a page of ribbon tab. At the same time a list of panels is belong to a ribbon category.

See also
CBCGPRibbonCategory, CBCGPBaseRibbonElement
+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPRibbonPanel:

Public Member Functions

 AddAdds a ribbon element to the panel.
 AddSeparatorAdds a separator to the ribbon panel.
 AddToolBarAdds a toolbar to the ribbon panel.
 EnableLaunchButtonTells the ribbon panel to display the launch button.
 FindByDataFinds an element by its user-defined data.
 FindByIDFinds an element by its command ID.
 GetApplicationModesGets application modes where this panel is visible.
 GetCountReturns the number of elements in the ribbon panel.
 GetDataReturns the value of user-defined data associated with the panel.
 GetElementReturns a pointer to ribbon element located at the specified index.
 GetElementsRetrieves all elements contained in ribbon panel.
 GetParentCategoryReturns parent category
 InsertInserts a ribbon element at the given position.
 InsertSeparatorInserts a separator at the given position.
 IsAlwaysAlignByColumnTells whether the ribbon panel should be alway aligned by column.
 IsCenterColumnVertTells whether all panel elements should be centered (aligned) vertically, by column.
 IsJustifyColumnsTells whether all panel columns take the same width, or not.
 IsPreserveElementOrderTells whether the ribbon panel preserves the element order, or not.
 RemoveRemoves and optionally deletes an element located at the specified index.
 RemoveAllRemoves all elements from ribbon panel.
 ReplaceReplaces one element with another by index.
 ReplaceByIDReplaces one element with another by command ID.
 SetAlwaysAlignByColumnSpecifies whether the ribbon panel should be alway aligned by column.
 SetApplicationModesSets application modes where this panel is visible.
 SetCenterColumnVertOrders the panel to align elements vertically, by column.
 SetDataAssociates user-defined data with ribbon panel.
 SetElementMenuAssigns a popup menu to element with the given command ID.
 SetElementMenuAssigns a popup menu to element with the given command ID.
 SetElementRTCSpecifies a runtime class of element located at the given position.
 SetElementRTCByIDSpecifies a runtime class of element with given command ID.
 SetJustifyColumnsEnables or disables justification of columns.
 SetKeysSets a key tip for the "default" panel button.
 SetPreserveElementOrderTells the Ribbon panel whether to preserve the element order, or not.

Protected Member Functions

 CBCGPRibbonPanelConstructs a ribbon panel object.
 CBCGPRibbonPanelConstructs a ribbon panel object.
 CBCGPRibbonPanelConstructs a ribbon panel object.