BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPReportCtrl class extends the functionality of the grid control and provides you with the easy way to create reports in Microsoft Outlook style. The report control uses custom row and item objects to achieve this goal.

You can use CBCGPReportView class to simplify integration of the report control with MFC's Document/View architecture.

See also
CBCGPGridCtrl, CBCGPReportRow
+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPReportCtrl:

Public Member Functions

 CreateRowCreates a new row.
 CreateRowCreates a new row.
 CreateRowCreates a new row.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPGridCtrl
 CBCGPGridCtrlThe constructor.
 AddItemFromArchiveAdds a grid item from archive at the specified location.
 AddRowAdds a new row to the grid control.
 AddRowAdds a new row to the grid control.
 AdjustLayoutAdjusts layout of the grid items.
 AllowRowExtraHeightEnables preview pane.
 CalcPagesCalculates the number of pages to print.
 CanClearRangeTells whether all items in the specified range can be cleared.
 CanDropColumnTells whether a column can be dropped at specified positions.
 CanDropColumnToColumnChooserTells whether a column can be dropped on the Column Chooser.
 CanHideColumnCalled by the framework to determine whether it should hide a column during drag-and-drop operations.
 CanReplaceItemDetermines whether an item can be replaced with another item of specified type.
 CanShowColumnInColumnChooserTells whether a column can be displayed on the Column Chooser.

nColumnSpecifies the zero-based index of column.
TRUE if we can show column in column chooser, FALSE if not.
 ClearClears items within selected ranges.
 ClearRangeClears items in range,
 CloseFindReplaceDlgCloses the Find/Replace dialog box.
 CopyCopies selected items to the Clipboard.
 CopyCSVCopies grid items to the Clipboard in CSV (comma-separated values) format.
 CopyHTMLCopies grid items to the Clipboard in HTML format.
 CreateItemCalled by the framework to create a new item at the specified position.
 CreateItemFromArchiveCreates a grid item from archive.
 CreateMultiLineRowCreates a multi-line row with specified text lines numbers
 CreateRowFromArchiveCreates a grid row from archive.
 CreateSerializeManagerCreates a serialization manager.
 CutCuts selected items and places them to the Clipboard.
 DeleteAllColumnsRemoves all columns from the grid control.
 DeleteColumnDeletes a column from the grid control.
 DestroyRowCalled by the framework when a grid row is being destroyed.
 EditItemcalled by the framework when the user begins to edit an item.
 EnableAlternateRowsSpecifies whether alternate coloring for Even and Odd rows shoud be used.
 EnableAutoHideScrollBarsScpecifies whether control's scroll bars should be hidden when scroll bars are inactive (mouse cursor is located outside of scrollbar).
 EnableCheckBoxesTurns on or off grid rows check box (located on the row left side).
 EnableColumnAutoSizeEnables or disables column auto-sizing feature of the grid control
 EnableColumnFilterEditShows or hides the filter edit control for a column.
 EnableColumnWidthAutoSizeOnHeaderDblClickSpecifies whether double-clicking column header divider will resize the column to fit the column content.
 EnableCustomToolTipsEnables or disables custom tooltips.
 EnableDragHeaderItemsEnables or disables the ability to drag header items.
 EnableDragSelectionEnables or disables Drag Selection mode.
 EnableDragSelectionBorderEnables or disables Drag Selection Border mode.
 EnableExpandOnDblClickSpecifies whether the grid row should be expanded or collapsed when the user double-click it.
 EnableFilterEnables filtering.
 EnableFilterBarEnables or disables "filter bar" mode.
 EnableFilterBarEnables or disables "filter bar" mode.
 EnableGridLinesTurns on or off grid lines.
 EnableGroupByBoxEnables or disables visual grouping of columns.
 EnableHeaderShows or hides the header.
 EnableHeaderSelectAllMarkerShows or hides "Select All" grid marker.
 EnableInvertSelOnCtrlDefines grid's behavior on single click with CTRL key pressed.
 EnableLineNumbersTurns on or off line numbering.
 EnableMarkSortedColumnEnables the option to mark a selected column by a different background color.
 EnableMultipleSortEnables or disables the multiple sort mode.
 EnableRowHeaderShows or hides vertical header at left.
 EnableSearchAndExpandCollapsedGroupsSpecifies whether a search should be performed in the hidden (located in collapsed groups) rows.
 EnableTextOverflowingSpecifies whether a text overflowing is enabled.
 EnableTreeButtonsTurns on or off grid tree expand/collapse buttons.
 EnableTreeLinesTurns on or off grid tree lines.
 EnableVirtualModeEnables virtual mode.
 EnableZoomEnables/disables Grid zooming by the mouse wheel (when Ctrl is pressed) or gesture zoom.
 EndEditItemCalled by the framework when the user has finished to edit a grid item
 EnsureVisibleScrolls the grid control to make the specified item visible.
 ExpandAllExpands or collapse all grid items containing any sub-items.
 ExpandRowExpands/collapses Grid row.
 ExportRangeToTextExports the specified range to text.
 ExportToHTMLExports grid data to HTML format.
 FindCalled by the framework to initiate the find operation.
 FindRowByDataFinds a row by user-defined data.
 FreezeColumnsFreezes one or more columns.
 FreezeGroupsAllows to disable horizontal scrolling of groups in the grid control.
 FreezeRowsFreezes one or more rows.
 GetBkColorReturns background color.
 GetBoldFontReturns a bold font object.
 GetCallbackFuncReturns a pointer to callback function used in virtual mode.
 GetChangeSelectionTransitionTimeReturns a time of the selection changing transition..
 GetColorThemeReturns the current color theme.
 GetColumnAlignRetrieves text justification flag of the specified column in a grid control.
 GetColumnCountReturns the number of columns in the grid control.
 GetColumnLockedTells whether the column's width is locked, or not
 GetColumnNameRetrieves the name of the specified column in a grid control.
 GetColumnOrderArrayRetrieves the order of columns.
 GetColumnOrderArrayRetrieves the order of columns.
 GetColumnsInfoRetrieves detailed information about the columns of the grid control.
 GetColumnVisibleTells whether a column is visible, or not.
 GetColumnWidthRetrieves the width of the specified column in a grid control.
 GetCurSelReturns currently selected row and active item.
 GetCurSelReturns currently selected row and active item.
 GetCurSelItemReturns selected item.
 GetCurSelItemIDReturns the currently selected item.
 GetCustomColorsRetrieves custom grid colors.
 GetExportTextDelimiterReturns a delimiter for exported text according to specified flags.
 GetFilterCallbackFunctReturns a pointer to the current filtering callback function.
 GetFocusedFilterBarReturns a zero-based index of the focused filter bar edit box or -1 if filter bar is not focused.
 GetFrozenColumnsReturns a frozen columns number.
 GetFrozenRowsReturns a frozen rows number.
 GetGridFooterRectReturns bounding rectangle of grid footer.
 GetGridHeaderRectReturns bounding rectangle of grid header.
 GetHeaderAlignRetrieves text justification flag of the column header item.
 GetHeaderBtnImageListReturns an image list that is assigned to header buttons.
 GetHeaderFlagsRetrieves the current header options.
 GetHeaderImageListRetrieves image list associated with the header.
 GetHeaderImageSizeRetrieves a header image list icon size.
 GetHeaderRectReturns bounding rectangle of grid header.
 GetImageListRetrieves a pointer to image list used by grid items.
 GetImageMarginReturns a space (in pexels) between grid cell icon and left/right border. Override this method if you wish to specify your custom space value.
 GetImageSizeRetrieves a grid image list icon size.
 GetLargeRowHeightDetermines the height of a group.
 GetListRectReturns the bounding rectangle of the grid list.
 GetPreviewTextColorReturns text color for preview pane.
 GetPrintDCReturns print DC.
 GetPrintParamsReturns printing parameters.
 GetRowReturns a row at the specified position (index).
 GetRowCountReturns the number of rows in the grid.
 GetRowHeightReturns the height of a row in the grid control.
 GetScaleReturns control font scale.
 GetScrollBarsStyleReturns the current style of scroll bars.
 GetSelTells whether a specified grid item is selected.
 GetSelectedItemCountReturns a number of the currently selected items.
 GetSortColumnReturns the index of sorted column.
 GetTextColorReturns text color.
 GetTextLeftOffsetReserved for future versions.
 GetTextMarginReturns a space (in pexels) between grid cell text and left/right border. Override this method if you wish to specify your custom space value.
 GetTextVMarginReturns a space (in pexels) between grid cell text and top/bottom border. Override this method if you wish to specify your custom space value.
 GetTotalRowCountReturns a number of rows in a grid control.
 GetVirtualRowReturns a virtual row at the specified position (index).
 HitTestReturns the current position of the cursor related to the CBCGPGridCtrl object.
 HitTestReturns the current position of the cursor related to the CBCGPGridCtrl object.
 HitTestSelectionBorderChecks if the specified point is inside selection border.
 InsertColumnInserts the new column into a grid control at the specified index.
 InsertGroupColumnInserts a column into list of columns the grid items are grouped by.
 InsertRowAfterInserts a row after specified position.
 InsertRowBeforeInserts a row before specified position.
 IsAllSelectedTells whether all grid items are selected, or not.
 IsAlternateRowsEnabledTells whether alternate coloring for Even and Odd rows is used.
 IsCheckBoxesEnabledTells whether grid rows check box is enabled.
 IsClearEnabledTells whether clear operation is enabled for a grid control.
 IsColumnAutoSizeEnabledTells whether the column auto-size feature is enabled or disabled.
 IsColumnsChooserVisibleTells whether the column chooser is visible or not.
 IsColumnSelectedTells whether a column is selected, or not.
 IsColumnWidthAutoSizeOnHeaderDblClickEnabledTells whether double-clicking column header divider will resize the column to fit the column content.
 IsControlBarColorsTells whether the grid control uses colors of the parent control bar, or not.
 IsCopyEnabledTells whether copy operation is enabled for a grid control.
 IsCustomToolTipEnabledTells whether the grid custom tooltips are enabled, or not.
 IsCutEnabledTells whether cut operation is enabled for a grid control.
 IsDisabledTextColorTells whether disabled grid has a special (grayed) text color.
 IsDisableWholeSelHeaderHighlightingTells whether header items are highlighted when all items in row are selected.
 IsDragHeaderItemsEnabledTells whether the dragging of headers items is enabled or disabled.
 IsDragSelectionBorderEnabledTells whether "Drag Selection Border" mode is enabled, or not.
 IsDragSelectionEnabledTells whether drag selection is enabled, or disabled.
 IsDrawCellsWithCustomColorsOnSelectionTells whether selected grid item(s) will be drawn using grid item foreground/background colors.
 IsEnabledSearchAndExpandCollapsedGroupsTells whether a search should be performed in the hidden (located in collapsed groups) rows.
 IsExpandOnDblClickEnabledTells whether the grid row should be expanded or collapsed when the user double-click it.
 IsFilterBarEnabledTells whether the "filter bar" mode is activated or not.
 IsFilterEnabledTells whether the filtering is enabled.
 IsFindDialogThemedTells whether find/replace dialog is themed (visual manager is enabled for this dialog).
 IsFocusedTells whether the grid control has the focus, or not.
 IsGridItemBordersEnabledTells whether grid items borders are enabled or not.
 IsGridLinesEnabledTells whether grid lines are enabled or not.
 IsGroupByBoxDetermines whether the visual grouping is enabled or not
 IsGroupingTells whether the auto-grouping is enabled, or not.
 IsHeaderEnabledTells whether the header is displayed or not.
 IsHeaderSelectAllMarkerEnabledTells whether "Select All" grid marker is displayed or not.
 IsInvertSelOnCtrlEnabledTells whether invert selection with Ctrl key mode is enabled, or not.
 IsItemSelectedTells whether specified item is inside of one of selected ranges.
 IsLineNumbersEnabledTells whether grid line numbers are enabled or not.
 IsMarkSortedColumnTells whether the grid marks sorted column.
 IsMultipleSortTells whether the grid control is in multiple sort mode.
 IsPasteEnabledTells whether paste operation is enabled for a grid control.
 IsReadOnlyTells whether the grid control is read-only.
 IsRowExtraHeightAllowedTells whether grid rows have some extra height to accommodate preview panes.
 IsRowHeaderEnabledTells whether the row header (on the left) is displayed or not.
 IsRowMarkerTells whether row marker is enabled, or not.
 IsRowSelectedTells whether the grid control has at least one selected item in the specified row, or not.
 IsScrollBarAutoHideEnabledTells whether control's scroll bars are auto-hidden.
 IsSelectionBorderTells whether to draw selection border around selected items, or not.
 IsShowDragContextTells whether the grid control shows context while dragging splitters, or not.
 IsShowInPlaceToolTipTells whether the grid uses custom tooltips, or standard tooltips.
 IsSingleSelTells whether the grid control uses single selection, or multiple selection.
 IsSortingModeTells whether the grid control is sorted, or not.
 IsTextColumnTells whether the specified column has the "text column" flag.
 IsTextOverflowingTells whether a text overflowing is enabled.
 IsTreeButtonsEnabledTells whether grid tree expand/collapse buttons are enabled or not.
 IsTreeLinesEnabledTells whether grid tree lines are enabled or not.
 IsVirtualModeTells whether the virtual mode is enabled or not.
 IsVisualManagerStyleTells whether a grid control uses visual manager style.
 IsWholeRowSelTells whether the grid control uses selection by rows, or selection by items.
 IsWholeRowSelectedChecks whether all items in a row are selected.
 IsZoomEnabledTells whether Grid zooming is enabled.
 MergeRangeMerges cells within the specified range.
 MergeSelectionMerges cells in the current selection range.
 MoveRowMoves a grid row to a new position.
 MoveRowMoves a grid row to a new position.
 OnAddGridPageRowForPrintCalled when a grid control needs to place a row on a page, and extend a row on several pages when necessary.
 OnAfterTrackHeaderCalled by the Grid after header item was resized by the user.
 OnBeforeReplaceItemCalled by the grid before item replacing.
 OnBeginDragCalled by the framework every time a grid is about to start drag-and-drop operation.
 OnBeginPrintingCalled by the framework when it's about to begin the print or print preview job.
 OnBreakColumnAcrossPrintPagesCalled when the printing logic decides whether to break a column across print pages if it doesn't fit, or start it from a new page.
 OnCalcPrintPagesCalled by the framework to layout the pages and calculates the number of pages to print.
 OnChangeSelectionCalled by the framework when the grid control changes the selection.
 OnClickButtonCalled by the framework when a button contained in a grid item has been clicked.
 OnClickItemCommandIconCalled by the framework when a command icon contained in a grid item has been clicked.
 OnClickItemLinkCalled by the framework when a grid item link has been clicked.
 OnDrawItemCalled by the framework to draw a grid control row.
 OnDrawPaletteColorBoxCalled by the framework when the palette color box should be drawn.
 OnEndPrintingCalled by the framework after a document has been printed or previewed.
 OnFilterBarChangedShould be called when the data in any filter edit controls is changed.
 OnGetPageMarginsReturns sizes of page margins.
 OnItemChangedCalled by the grid control when the grid item has been changed.
 OnKeepGroupWithChildrenOnNewPrintPageCalled by the framework before printing a grid group.
 OnMeasureListRectCalculates dimensions of grid content in logical units.
 OnMergeCellsChangedCalled when a merged cell has been unmerged, or when a range of cells has been merged.
 OnMergeCellsChangingCalled when a merged cell is being unmerged, or when a range of cells is being merged.
 OnPrepareFindStringCalled by the framework to prepare a search string.
 OnPreparePrintPagesCalled by the framework to prepare printing.
 OnPrepareTextStringCalled by the grid control when it needs to prepare a text string for export to requested format.
 OnPrintCalled by the framework to print a certain page.
 OnPrintItemCalled by the framework to print the certain grid row.
 OnPrintPageFooterCalled by the framework to print the page footer.
 OnPrintPageHeaderCalled by the framework to print the page header.
 OnQueryClearNonEmptyItemCalled by a grid control to determine whether a non-empty grid item can be cleared.
 OnQueryClearSkipStaticItemCalled by the framework for each static (non-editable) grid item when the grid performs the Clear operation for multiple items.
 OnQueryReplaceNonEmptyItemCalled by a grid control to determine whether a non-empty grid item can be replaced.
 OnStartColumnOnNewPrintPageCalled when a column is about to be printed on a new page.
 OnTextFoundCalled by the framework when the Grid has found a result during search.
 OnTextNotFoundCalled by the framework when the grid has finished searching without finding any items.
 OpenFindReplaceDlgOpens Find/Replace dialog box.
 PastePastes grid items from the Clipboard.
 PrintPrints the content of the grid control.
 PrintLayoutCalculates the layout of the page.
 RemoveAllRemoves all rows (items) from the grid control.
 RemoveGroupColumnRemoves the column from the list of grouping columns.
 RemoveRowRemoves a row at the specified position.
 RemoveSortColumnRemoves the specified sort column from the list of sorted columns.
 ReplaceItemFromArchiveReplaces a grid item from archive.
 ScrollToRowVertically scrolls the grid to the specified row.
 SelectAllSelects a whole grid.
 SelectAreaSelects an area specified by bounds.
 SelectColumnSelects a column.
 SelectFirstLastItemInColumnMoves selection to the top/bottom cell in the current column.
 SelectFirstLastItemInRowMoves selection to the first/last cell in the current row.
 SelectRowSelects a row.
 SetBoldFontTells the grid control to use bold font.
 SetBoolLabelsDefines how the text for the items of the boolean type should be displayed
 SetChangeSelectionTransitionTimeSpecifies a time of the selection changing transition.
 SetClearInplaceEditOnEnterSpecifies behavior of grid control when it starts in-place editing on pressing ENTER key.
 SetColorThemeSets the new color theme
 SetColumnAlignSets alignment of the column text.
 SetColumnLockedLocks the width of a column.
 SetColumnNameSets the name of the specified column in a grid control.
 SetColumnOrderArrayAllows to set a specific column order.
 SetColumnOrderArrayAllows to set a specific column order.
 SetColumnVisibleHides or shows a column.
 SetColumnWidthSets the width of a column in the grid control.
 SetCurSelSelects a row.
 SetCurSelSelects a row.
 SetCustomColorsSets custom grid control colors.
 SetCustomLargeRowHeightSpecifies a large (group) row height.
 SetCustomRowHeightSpecifies a row height.
 SetDefaultItemRTCSets runtime class information to create items of custom type.
 SetDisabledTextColorSpecifies whether disabled grid has a special (grayed) text color.
 SetDisableWholeSelHeaderHighlightingSpecifies whether header items are highlighted when all items in row are selected.
 SetDrawCellsWithCustomColorsOnSelectionSpecifies whether selected grid item(s) will be drawn using grid item foreground/background colors.
 SetEditFirstClickEnables in-place editing of a grid item on first mouse click.
 SetFilterBarTextSets filter bar text for the specific grid column.
 SetFindDialogThemedSpecifies whether find/replace dialog is themed (visual manager is enabled for this dialog).
 SetGridFooterHeightReserves space for grid footer.
 SetGridHeaderHeightReserves space for the grid header.
 SetHeaderAlignSets text justification flag for column header item.
 SetHeaderBtnImageListSets images for header buttons.
 SetHeaderImageListSets the image list associated with the header.
 SetHeaderImageListSets the image list associated with the header.
 SetImageListSets image list to be used by grid items.
 SetImageListSets image list to be used by grid items.
 SetItemRTCSets runtime class information to create items of custom type in the specified column.
 SetListDelimiterCustomizes formatting text for grid rows
 SetPreviewTextColorSets text color for preview pane.
 SetPrinterFontSets the font for printing.
 SetReadOnlyTurns the read-only flag on and off.
 SetRowMarkerEnables row marker for the grid control.
 SetScaleSpecifies control font scale.
 SetScalingRangeSpecifies control font scaling range.
 SetScrollBarsStyleTells the Grid Control to use either Windows standard, or owner draw scroll bar.
 SetSelChanges a specified grid item selection state.
 SetSelectionBorderEnables or disables a selection border around grid items.
 SetShowDragContextSpecifies whether the grid control should show context while dragging splitters.
 SetShowInPlaceToolTipEnables or disables in-place tooltips.
 SetSingleSelSwitches between single and multiple selection modes.
 SetSortColumnSet the current sorting column and sort order
 SetTextColorSpecifis the grid control text color
 SetTextColumnRequired for "preview" support. Tells that the preview text may begin from this column.
 SetVirtualRowsSets the number of rows in virtual mode.
 SetVisualManagerColorThemeSets the visual manager-style color theme
 SetWholeRowSelSwitches between selection by row and selection by item.
 ShowColumnsChooserDisplays or hides the column chooser.
 ShowHorzScrollBarShows or hides the horizontal scrollbar.
 ShowVertScrollBarShows or hides the vertical scrollbar.
 SortSorts the grid control.
 SortChildRowsSorting child rows at one level of hierarchy.
 SortChildRowsCBSorting child rows at one level of hierarchy using the callback function.
 UnfreezeColumnsDisables the "frozen columns" feature.
 UnfreezeRowsDisables the "frozen rows" feature.
 UnMergeRangeUnmerges cells within the specified range.
 UnMergeSelectionUnmerges cells within the current selection.
 ValidateItemDataCalled by the framework to validate an item data.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
 CBCGPAnimationManagerDefault constructor.
 GetAnimatedValueGets current animated value.
 GetAnimationDurationGets animation duration.
 GetLastAnimationErrorGets the animation error returned by recent call to Windows Animation API.
 IsAnimatedChecks if animation is running.
 StartAnimationStarts an animation.
 StartFlashAnimationStarts "flash" animation.
 StopAnimationStops an animation.

Protected Member Functions

 AllowInPlaceEditTells whether in-place editing is allowed, or not.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CBCGPGridCtrl
 CanBeginInplaceEditOnCharSpecifies how grid control handles keyboard.
 CanEndInplaceEditOnCharDefines how grid control handles keyboard inside in-place editor.
 CompareGroupCompares two rows by the given column.
 CompareItemsCompares two items or two rows by the given column.
 CompareItemsCompares two items or two rows by the given column.
 GetGridItemObtain a grid item by ID.
 GetItemCustomTooltipCalled by the framework to obtain the cell custom tooltip.
 GetNextItemIDHelper function to navigate to the next item inside the grid.
 GoToNextItemCalled by the framework when it needs to move current selection to next grid item.
 IsAcceleratorKeyDefines how grid control handles keyboard.
 IsEditFirstClickTells whether the grid control starts in-place editing on first mouse click or not.
 OnAfterInplaceEditCreatedCalled just after the in-place edit has been created.
 OnBeginInplaceEditCalled by the framework before in-place edit control is created.
 OnColumnsOrderChangedCalled when a grid columns order has been changed.
 OnCreateFilterBarCtrlCalled by the grid control to create a filter edit.
 OnDrawGridFooterCalled by the framework to draw grid footer.
 OnDrawGridHeaderCalled by the framework to draw grid header.
 OnDrawHeaderItemBorderCalled by the framework when it needs to draw the border of header item.
 OnDrawSelectionBorderCalled by the framework when it needs to draw the border around the selected items in the grid.
 OnDropToGroupByBoxCalled by the framework when a header item (column) is dropped on the "group by" box.
 OnEndInplaceEditCalled by the framework after in-place edit is closed.
 OnFillHeaderBackgroundCalled by the framework when it needs to fill background of header item
 OnFillLeftOffsetCalled by the framework when it needs to draw the left margin area of the grid control.
 OnFillRowDynamicSubItemsCalled by the framework when the grid row with dynamically-created subitems is expanded, and subitems should be created.
 OnFillSelItemCalled by the framework when it needs to fill the background of a selected item.
 OnGetColumnAutoSizeCalled by the Grid control to determine automatic size of a particular column.
 OnGetGroupByBoxRectCalled by the framework when it needs to calculate the bounding rectangle of the group-by box.
 OnGetHeaderRectCalled by the framework when it needs to calculate the bounding rectangle of the grid header.
 OnGetPageFooterRectCalled by the framework when it needs to calculate the bounding rectangle of the page footer.
 OnGetPageHeaderRectCalled by the framework when it needs to calculate the bounding rectangle of the page header
 OnGetSelectionRectCalled by the framework when it needs to calculate the border around the selected items.
 OnHeaderCheckBoxClickCalled by the framework when the user clicks the grid column header checkbox.
 OnHeaderColumnClickCalled by the framework when user clicks the grid header.
 OnHeaderDividerDblClickCalled by the framework when the user double-clicked the divider area of the grid column header.
 OnHeaderMenuButtonClickCalled by the framework when user clicks the header menu button.
 OnInplaceEditKeyDownSpecifies how grid control handles WM_KEYDOWN message inside in-place editor.
 OnInplaceEditSetSelDefines how grid control manages selection of in-place editor content when in-place editor has been created.
 OnItemUpdateFailedCalled when the grid fails to update an item.
 OnPrintHeaderCalled by the framework to print the grid header.
 OnRowCheckBoxClickCalled by the framework when the user clicks the grid row checkbox.
 OnRowHeaderClickCalled by the framework when a row header is clicked.
 OnRowHeaderDblClickCalled by the framework when a row header is double clicked.
 OnSelChangedCalled by the framework when the grid control has changed the selection.
 OnSelChangingCalled by the framework when the grid control is changing the selection.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
 OnAnimationIdleCalled by the framework in an animation idle time.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
enum  BCGPAnimationType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
 IsAnimationSupportedByOSChecks if animation is supported by OS.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from CBCGPGridCtrl
 m_bEnableAssertValidInDebugEnables or disables ASSERT_VALID macro usage in debug mode.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CBCGPGridCtrl
 m_bGridItemBordersEnables or disables borders for grid items.
 m_nRowsBlockSizeSpecifies the memory-allocation granularity for internal containers