BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPFontDialog class allows you to incorporate a font selection dialog box into your application. This an MFC CFontDialog-similar class with a visual theme support.

+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPFontDialog:

Public Member Functions

 CBCGPFontDialogConstructs a CBCGPFontDialog object.
 CBCGPFontDialogConstructs a CBCGPFontDialog object.
 GetCharFormatretrieves the character formatting of the selected font
 GetColorreturn the color of the font
 GetCurrentFontGet the selected font (works during DoModal displayed or after)
 GetFaceNamereturn the face name of the font
 GetSizereturn the pt size of the font
 GetStyleNamereturn the style name of the font
 GetWeightreturn the chosen font weight
 IsBoldreturn TRUE if bold font
 IsItalicreturn TRUE if italic font
 IsStrikeOutreturn TRUE if strikeout
 IsUnderlinereturn TRUE if underline
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPDialog
 CBCGPDialogConstructs a CBCGPDialog object
 CBCGPDialogConstructs a CBCGPDialog object
 AddCustomCaptionButtonAdds a custom caption button.
 AutoResizeControlsEnable auto-resizing check boxes, radio buttons and static labels.
 ClosePopupDlgCloses the popup dialog.
 DoDrawSpecialAreaOnNCInitiates drawing of specific area on the dialog box edges (non-client area). If you're calling this method, you should handle BCGM_ONDRAWNCSPECIALAREA registered message in your dialog class.
 EnableAeroAdds DWM ("Glass") support either to whole dialog, or to some of its margins.
 EnableCustomCaptionButtonEnables or disables a custom caption button.
 EnableDragClientAreaAllows to drag the dialog box by clicking inside the client area.
 EnableExpandEnables expanding and collapsing of the dialog's part.
 EnableExpandEnables expanding and collapsing of the dialog's part.
 EnableLayoutEnables or disables layout manager for a dialog box
 EnableLoadWindowPlacementEnables loading/saving window placement from/to the registry.
 EnableVisualManagerStyleAdds visual theme support to the dialog
 ExpandExpands or collapses the dialog box.
 GetAeroMarginsRetrieves the dialog DWM (glass) margins.
 GetInfoTipControlGets a dialog control with currently active info tip.
 GetLayoutReturns a pointer to layout manager.
 HasAeroMarginsTells whether a window has "DWM (glass) margins.
 HasBackgroundImageTells whether the dialog has background image.
 IsAutoPrepareComboListStylesTells whether all child list box and combo boxes should be recreated by adding "owner-draw fixed" and "has strings" Windows styles.
 IsControlsDefaultDlgBackgroundTells whether controls background redrawing is optimized.
 IsCustomCaptionButtonEnabledTells whether a custom caption button is enabled.
 IsDragClientAreaEnabledTells whether a drag client area is enabled.
 IsExpandAreaSpecialBackgroundTells whether a dialog expanded area has a special background.
 IsExpandedTells whether the dialog box is expanded.
 IsGroupBoxesDrawByParentTells whether group box control is rendered by parent window.
 IsLayoutEnabledTells whether layout management is enabled for a dialog box.
 IsMFCResourceLayoutTells whether the dialog uses MFC resource (loaded from the dialog resource) layout.
 IsOwnerDrawCaptionTells whether a dialog has an owner-draw caption.
 IsVisualManagerNCAreaTells whether a non-client area of the window uses visual manager style.
 IsVisualManagerStyleTells whether a window uses visual manager style.
 IsWindowPlacementEnabledTells whether loading/saving window placement from/to the registry is enabled.
 IsWsCaptionStyleTells whether a window with themed non-client area is created with WS_CAPTION style.
 OnAfterExpandCalled by the framework after the dialog was expanded.
 OnBeforeExpandCalled by the framework before the dialog is expanded.
 RemoveAllCustomCaptionButtonsRemoves all custom caption buttons.
 RemoveInfoTipsRemoves all previously added information tips.
 SetBackgroundColorSets a new background color
 SetBackgroundImageSets the dialog box's background image
 SetBackgroundImageSets the dialog box's background image
 SetControlInfoTipAdds an information tip to the dialog child control specified by control ID.
 SetControlInfoTipAdds an information tip to the dialog child control specified by window.
 SetControlsDefaultDlgBackgroundEnables/disables child controls background optimized redrawing.
 SetEditBoxesSimplifiedBrowseIconSpecifies whether all edit boxes located on the window should have simplified icons.
 SetEditBoxesVerticalAlignmentSpecifies vertical alignment for all edit boxes located on the window (single-line only).
 SetExpandAreaSpecialBackgroundSpecifies whether a dialog expanded area has a special (usually darker) background.
 SetGroupBoxesDrawByParentEnables drawing group box controls by the parent window.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CBCGPDialog
enum  BackgroundLocation
- Protected Attributes inherited from CBCGPDialog
 m_bDisableShadowsSpecifies whether the dialog custom shadows should be disabled.