BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGStatusBarPaneInfo class contains information about status bar pane. You'll need to use this class if you override CBCGPStatusBar::OnDrawPane method.

Public Attributes

 bProgressTextTRUE - display progress text: "x%".
 clrBackgroundPane background color.
 clrProgressBarThe status bar pane progress bar background color.
 clrProgressBarDestThe status bar pane progress bar background gradient color.
 clrProgressTextThe status bar pane progress bar foreground color.
 clrTextPane text color.
 clrTextDisabledDisabled pane text color.
 cxIconWidth of the icon area.
 cxTextWidth of string area in pixels.
 cyIconHeight of the icon area.
 hImagePane icon or list of images used in the pane animation .
 lpszDescrPane tooltip description.
 lpszTextPane text label.
 lpszToolTipPane tooltip text.
 nCurrFrameCurrent animation frame.
 nFrameCountNumber of frames in the pane animation image list.
 nIDPane identifier.
 nProgressCurrProgress bar current value.
 nProgressTotalTotal progress value (-1 - no progress bar)
 nStylePane style flags (SBPS_*)
 rectThe pane bounding rectangle.