BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPDigitalClock class implements a numeric indicator which displays a current date/time.

+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPDigitalClock:

Public Member Functions

 CBCGPDigitalClockClass constructor.
 GetTimeOffsetReturns a time offset.
 SetTimeOffsetSpecifies a time offset.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl
 CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImplClass constructor.
 GetDateFormatReturns date/time style.
 GetDateSeparatorReturns date separator appearance.
 GetDateTimeStyleReturns date/time style.
 GetDayLeadingZerosReturns day leading zeros appearance.
 GetHourLeadingZerosReturns hour leading zeros appearance.
 GetMarkerPositionReturns time marker ("AM/PM") position.
 GetMarkerVerticalAlignReturns time marker ("AM/PM") vertical alignment.
 GetMonthLeadingZerosReturns month leading zeros appearance.
 GetTimeSeparatorReturns time separator appearance.
 GetYearDigitsTells how many year digits (2 or 4) will be displayed.
 SetDateFormatSpecifies date/time format.
 SetDateSeparatorSpecifies date separator appearance.
 SetDateTimeStyleSpecifies date/time style.
 SetDayLeadingZerosSpecifies day leading zeros appearance.
 SetHourLeadingZerosSpecifies hour leading zeros appearance.
 SetMarkerPositionSpecifies time marker ("AM/PM") position.
 SetMarkerVerticalAlignSpecifies time marker ("AM/PM") vertical alignment.
 SetMonthLeadingZerosSpecifies month leading zeros appearance.
 SetTimeSeparatorSpecifies time separator appearance.
 SetYearDigitsSpecifies how many year digits (2 or 4) will be displayed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
 CBCGPNumericIndicatorImplConstructs a CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl object.
 GetCellsReturns a number of indicator cells
 GetColorsReturns indicator colors.
 GetDecimalsReturns a number of cells after the decimal point.
 GetDigitTypeReturns an indicator digit type.
 GetFormatGets an indicator format.
 GetHorizontalAlignReturns a horizontal alignment.
 GetInvisibleSegmentsOpacityReturns invisible segments opacity.
 GetPaddingReturns an internal padding (in pixels).
 GetSeparatorWidthReturns width of separator between cells.
 GetStateReturns indicator's state.
 GetStyleGets an indicator style.
 GetVerticalAlignReturns a vertical alignment.
 IsDrawDecimalPointReturns TRUE if indicator draws digital point; otherwise - FALSE.
 IsDrawInvisibleSegmentsTells whether invisible segments should be drawn.
 IsDrawLeadingZerosReturns TRUE if indicator draws leading zeros; otherwise - FALSE.
 IsDrawSignReturns TRUE if indicator draws number sign; otherwise - FALSE.
 IsTextFormatAutoSizeTells whether a control text size is automatically changed when control is resized.
 IsVisualManagerThemeTells whether gauge was created with a visual manager theme.
 SetCellsSets number of indicator cells
 SetColorsModifies indicator colors
 SetDecimalsSets number of cells after decimal point.
 SetDigitTypeSpecifies an indicator digit type.
 SetDrawDecimalPointEnables drawing the decimal point.
 SetDrawInvisibleSegmentsSpecifies whether invisible segments should be drawn using semi-transparent color.
 SetDrawLeadingZerosEnables drawing of leading zeros.
 SetDrawSignEnables drawing number sign.
 SetFormatSets an indicator format.
 SetHorizontalAlignSpecifies a horizontal alignment (digital indicator only).
 SetInvisibleSegmentsOpacitySets invisible segments opacity.
 SetPaddingSpecifies an an internal padding (digital indicator only).
 SetPaddingSpecifies an an internal padding (digital indicator only).
 SetSeparatorWidthSets width of separator between cells.
 SetStyleModifies the indicator style.
 SetTextFormatSets indicator's text format.
 SetTextFormatAutoSizeSpecifies whether a control text size shoyld be automatically changed when control is resized.
 SetValueSets indicator value.
 SetVerticalAlignSpecifies a vertical alignment (digital indicator only).
 SetVisualManagerThemeSets the visual manager theme.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPGaugeImpl
 AddColoredRangeAdds a new colored range to a gauge.
 AddColoredRangeAdds a new colored range to a gauge.
 AddLevelBarAdds a new level bar to a gauge.
 AddLevelBarAdds a new level bar to a gauge.
 GetColoredRangeReturns a colored range for a scale.
 GetCornerRadiusReturns a gauge corner radius (in pixels).
 GetDefaultInteractivePointerRetrieves an index of pointer used in the interactive mode by default.
 GetDefaultInteractiveScaleRetrieves an index of scale used in the interactive mode by default.
 GetFrameSizeGets a gauge frame size (in pixels)
 GetLevelBarReturns a level bar for a scale.
 GetLevelBarsCountGets level bars count.
 GetScaleReturns a scale for a gauge.
 GetTextFormatReturns current text format of gauge labels.
 GetVisualEffectsRetrieves the gauge visual effects.
 IsInteractiveModeTells whether an interactive mode is active or not.
 RemoveAllColoredRangesRemoves all colored ranges.
 RemoveAllLevelBarsRemoves all level bars.
 RemoveAllScalesRemoves scales.
 RemoveLevelBarRemoves the level bar.
 RemoveScaleRemoves a scale.
 SetCornerRadiusSpecifies a gauge corner radius
 SetDefaultInteractivePointerSpecifies a pointer that will be used in the interactive mode by default.
 SetDefaultInteractiveScaleSpecifies a scale that will be used in the interactive mode by default.
 SetFrameSizeSets a gauge frame size (in pixels).
 SetInteractiveModeEnabler or disables a gauge interactive mode.
 SetScaleOffsetFromFrameSets the scale offset from the gauge frame.
 SetTickMarkStyleSpecifies the gauge tick mark style.
 SetValueSets value for the specified scale.
 SetVisualEffectsSpecifies the gauge visual effects.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPBaseVisualObject
 CBCGPBaseVisualObjectCopy constructor.
 CopyToClipboardCopies visual object to the Clipboard.
 EnableImageCacheEnables or disables visual object image cache.
 ExportToBitmapExports the visual object to bitmap.
 ExportToFileExports the visual object to a file (BMP or PNG).
 ExportToImageExports the visual object to an image.
 GetDataGets an internal data object.
 GetDataAnimationTypeGets data animation type.
 GetDataCountReturns a number of data objects.
 GetEditFlagsGets editing flags.
 GetIDGets the object identifier.
 GetNameGets the object name.
 GetParentContainerGets the parent visual container.
 GetRectGets the object bounding rectangle.
 GetSelectedThemeObtain a currently selected visual theme.
 GetUserDataGets user-defined data associated with this object.
 GetValueGets the object value.
 GetVisualEffectRetrieves a visual effect
 IsAutoDestroyTells whether this object will be destroyed automatically.
 IsEditModeTells whether this object has the edit mode.
 IsEnabledTells whether the visual object is enabled.
 IsImageCacheTells whether image cache is enabled for this object.
 IsSelectedTells whether this object is selected in the parent container.
 IsVisibleTells whether the visual object is visible.
 RedrawRedraws this object.
 RedrawRectRedraws a specified rectangle.
 SetAutoDestroySpecifies whether the object should be destroyed automatically.
 SetDataAnimationTypeSets data animation type.
 SetEditFlagsSets editing flags.
 SetFillBrushSets a new fill brush.
 SetIDSets the object identifier.
 SetNameSets an object name.
 SetRectSets a new bounding rectangle.
 SetSelectedSelects or unselects the object in the parent container.
 SetUserDataSets user-defined data associated with this object.
 SetVisibleShows or hides the visual object.
 SetVisualEffectSets a visual effect.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
 CBCGPAnimationManagerDefault constructor.
 GetAnimatedValueGets current animated value.
 GetAnimationDurationGets animation duration.
 GetLastAnimationErrorGets the animation error returned by recent call to Windows Animation API.
 IsAnimatedChecks if animation is running.
 StartAnimationStarts an animation.
 StartFlashAnimationStarts "flash" animation.
 StopAnimationStops an animation.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from CBCGPNumericDateTimeIndicatorImpl
- Public Types inherited from CBCGPNumericIndicatorImpl
enum  BCGPNumericDigitType
enum  BCGPNumericIndicatorFormat
enum  BCGPNumericIndicatorHorizontalAlign
enum  BCGPNumericIndicatorState
enum  BCGPNumericIndicatorStyle
enum  BCGPNumericIndicatorVerticalAlign
- Public Types inherited from CBCGPGaugeImpl
- Public Types inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
enum  BCGPAnimationType
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
 IsAnimationSupportedByOSChecks if animation is supported by OS.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CBCGPAnimationManager
 OnAnimationFinishedCalled by the framework when an animation is finished.
 OnAnimationIdleCalled by the framework in an animation idle time.