BCGControlBar Pro for MFC
virtual void CBCGPMDIChildWnd::UnregisterTaskbarTab ( BOOL  bCheckRegisteredMDIChildCount = TRUE)

Unregisters an MDI child with Windows 7-11 task bar tabbed thumbnails.

This method is called to unregister an MDI child with Windows 7-11 task bar tabbed thumbnails.

If bCheckRegisteredMDIChildCount is TRUE, this method calls the parent to query it for the number of registered MDI children, and if it's 0, resets the clipping rectangle on the "main" tab used for application peek, so the main window is not clipped to its client area on task bar thumbnail.

bCheckRegisteredMDIChildCountShould be TRUE when this method is not called in a loop for all MDI windows. If you call this method in a loop, set this parameter to TRUE for the last call only.