BCGControlBar Pro for MFC
BOOL CBCGPRibbonDialogBar::Create ( LPCTSTR  lpszCaption,
CWnd *  pParentWnd,
const RECT &  rect,
UINT  nImagesSmall,
UINT  nImagesLarge,
BOOL  bHasGripper,
DWORD  dwStyle,
DWORD  dwBCGStyle = dwDefaultBCGDockingBarStyle,
CCreateContext *  pContext = NULL 

Creates a Ribbon dialog bar

Creates a window and initializes the docking control bar and embedded Ribbon Control.

Non-zero if the docking control bar has been created successfully; otherwise 0.

Call this function to initialize the docking control bar and Ribbon Control. The embedded Ribbon Control is created internally during processing of WM_CREATE message and you can obtain a reference to it by using GetRibbon() method.

lpszCaptionPoints to a null-terminated character string that contains the window name.
pParentWndA pointer to a parent window.
rectThe size and position of the window, in client coordinates of its parent window.
nImagesSmallResource ID of image list with small Ribbon images.
nImagesLargeResource ID of image list with large Ribbon images.
bHasGripperSpecifies whether the control bar should be created with caption (TRUE) or without caption (FALSE).
nIDThe ID of the child window. Must be unique if you want to save docking state for this docking control bar.
dwStyleSpecifies the window style attributes.
dwTabbedStyleSpecifies the tabbed style of a tabbed window that will be created when the user drags another control bar on the caption of this control bar.
dwBCGStyleSpecifies the additional BCGP style attributes.
pContextThe create context of the window.