BCGControlBar Pro for MFC
virtual void CBCGPVisualManager::OnDrawSliderThumb ( CDC *  pDC,
CBCGPSliderCtrl pSlider,
CRect  rect,
BOOL  bIsHighlighted,
BOOL  bIsPressed,
BOOL  bIsDisabled,
BOOL  bVert,
BOOL  bLeftTop,
BOOL  bRightBottom,
BOOL  bDrawOnGlass 

Called by the framework to draw a slider's thumb.

Override this method in a derived class to customize appearance of slider thumbs.

pDCA pointer to a device context.
pSliderA pointer to a slider.
rectBounding rectangle.
bIsHighlightedTRUE if the thumb is highlighted.
bIsPressedTRUE if the thumb is pressed.
bIsDisabledTRUE if the thumb is disabled.
bVertSpecifies whether the slider is vertical (TRUE), or horizontal (FALSE).
bLeftTopSpecifies the thumb orientation. If TRUE, the thumb's arrow points to the left or up (depending on bVert). If FALSE, the thumb's arrow points to the right or bottom.
bRightBottomSpecifies the thumb orientation. If TRUE, the thumb's arrow points to the right or bottom (depending on bVert). If FALSE, the thumb's arrow points to the left or top.
bDrawOnGlassIf TRUE, the thumb is drawn on the glass (Vista Aero only).