BCGControlBar Pro for MFC

Detailed Description

This is the Grid and Report Notifications group

 BCGM_GRID_ITEM_CHANGEDThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by the default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::OnItemChanged.
 BCGM_GRID_ITEM_BEGININPLACEEDITThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by the default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::OnBeginInplaceEdit.
 BCGM_GRID_ITEM_ENDINPLACEEDITThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::OnEndInplaceEdit.
 BCGM_GRID_SEL_CHANGEDThe framework sends the BCGM_GRID_SEL_CHANGED message when the selection in the grid has changed.
 BCGM_GRID_ITEM_DBLCLICKThe framework sends the BCGM_GRID_ITEM_DBLCLICK message when a user double click inside the grid row.
 BCGM_GRID_HEADER_CHANGEDThe framework sends the BCGM_GRID_HEADER_CHANGED message when grid columns order is changed.
 BCGM_GRID_ON_HIDE_COLUMNCHOOSERThe message is sent to owner of Grid Control.
 BCGM_GRID_BEGINDRAGThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by the default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::OnBeginDrag.
 BCGM_GRID_COLUMN_CLICKThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by the default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::OnHeaderColumnClick.
 BCGM_GRID_ROW_CHECKBOX_CLICKThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by the default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::OnRowCheckBoxClick.
 BCGM_GRID_HEADERCHECKBOX_CLICKThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by the default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::OnHeaderCheckBoxClick.
 BCGM_GRID_ADJUST_LAYOUTThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window after grid layout changing.
 BCGM_GRID_FIND_RESULTThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by the default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::OnTextFound and CBCGPGridCtrl::OnTextNotFound.
 BCGM_GRID_COLUMN_BTN_CLICKThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by the default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::OnHeaderMenuButtonClick.
 BCGM_GRID_SCALE_CHANGEDThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by the default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::SetScale.
 BCGM_GRID_FILTERBAR_CHANGEDThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by the default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::OnFilterBarChanged.
 BCGM_GRID_ITEM_COMMAND_CLICKThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by the default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::OnClickItemCommandIcon.
 BCGM_GRID_ITEM_LINK_CLICKThis registered windows message is sent to the grid's owner window by the default implementation of CBCGPGridCtrl::OnClickItemLink.