BCGControlBar Pro for MFC
void BCGPChartMouseConfig::SetConfig ( BCGPChartMouseConfig::ZoomScrollOptions  options)

Sets active mouse configuration for zoom and scroll.

Currently there are 3 built-in mouse configurations for zoom and scroll:

  • ZSO_WHEEL_PAN - mouse wheel zooms the chart in and out; left mouse button is used to pan (scroll) the chart.
  • ZSO_MAGNIFY - zoom in by left mouse button - chart is magnified in; zoom out by right mouse button - chart is magnified out; mouse wheel scrolls the chart horizontally; mouse wheel + Ctrl key scrolls the chart vertically.
  • ZSO_SELECT - zoom in by selection with left mouse button; zoom out by selection by left mouse button + Alt key; mouse wheel scrolls the chart horizontally; mouse wheel + Ctrl key scrolls the chart vertically.
  • ZSO_NONE - disables zoom and scroll with mouse
optionsSpecifies a new zoom and scroll mouse configuration to be set.