This is the complete list of members for CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl, including all inherited members.
AddColoredRange(double dblStartValue, double dblFinishValue, const CBCGPBrush &brFill, const CBCGPBrush &brFrame, int nScale=0, double dblStartWidth=0., double dblFinishWidth=0., double dblOffsetFromFrame=0., const CBCGPBrush &brTextLabel=CBCGPBrush(), const CBCGPBrush &brTickMarkOutline=CBCGPBrush(), const CBCGPBrush &brTickMarkFill=CBCGPBrush(), BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
AddColoredRange(CBCGPGaugeColoredRangeObject *pRange, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
AddLevelBar(const CBCGPBrush &brFill, const CBCGPBrush &brFrame, const CBCGPBrush &brFillValue, int nScale=0, double dblWidth=0., double dblOffsetFromFrame=0., CBCGPGaugeLevelBarObject::BCGP_GAUGE_LEVEL_OBJECT_STYLE style=CBCGPGaugeLevelBarObject::BCGP_GAUGE_LEVEL_OBJECT_RECT, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
AddLevelBar(CBCGPGaugeLevelBarObject *pLevelBar, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
AddPointer(const CBCGPCircularGaugePointer &pointer, int nScale=0, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
AddScale() | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
AddSubGauge(CBCGPGaugeImpl *pGauge, BCGP_SUB_GAUGE_POS pos, const CBCGPSize &size=CBCGPSize(), const CBCGPPoint &ptOffset=CBCGPPoint(), BOOL bAutoDestroy=TRUE) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
BCGP_SUB_GAUGE_BOTTOM enum value | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
BCGP_SUB_GAUGE_CENTER enum value | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
BCGP_SUB_GAUGE_LEFT enum value | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
BCGP_SUB_GAUGE_NONE enum value | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
BCGP_SUB_GAUGE_POS enum name | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
BCGP_SUB_GAUGE_RIGHT enum value | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
BCGP_SUB_GAUGE_TOP enum value | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
CBCGPBaseVisualObject(CBCGPVisualContainer *pContainer=NULL) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | |
CBCGPBaseVisualObject(const CBCGPBaseVisualObject &src) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | |
CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl(CBCGPVisualContainer *pContainer=NULL) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
CopyToClipboard(CBCGPGraphicsManager *pGM, const CBCGPBrush &brFill=CBCGPBrush(CBCGPColor::White)) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | |
EnableEquidistantLabels(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, int nScale=0) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
EnableImageCache(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | |
EnableLabelsRotation(BOOL bEnable=TRUE, int nScale=0) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
EnableShapeByTicksArea(BOOL bEnable=TRUE) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | inline |
ExportToBitmap(CBCGPGraphicsManager *pGM, const CBCGPBrush &brFill=CBCGPBrush(CBCGPColor::White)) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | |
ExportToFile(const CString &strFilePath, CBCGPGraphicsManager *pGM, const CBCGPBrush &brFill=CBCGPBrush(CBCGPColor::White)) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | |
ExportToImage(CBCGPGraphicsManager *pGM, CBCGPImage &image, const CBCGPBrush &brFill=CBCGPBrush(CBCGPColor::White)) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | |
GetCapSize() const | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | inline |
GetColoredRange(int nIndex) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
GetColors() const | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | inline |
GetColorTheme() const | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
GetCornerRadius() const | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
GetData(int nIndex) const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
GetDataAnimationType() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
GetDataCount() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
GetDefaultInteractivePointer() const | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
GetDefaultInteractiveScale() const | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
GetEditFlags() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
GetFrameSize() const | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
GetID() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
GetLevelBar(int nIndex) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
GetLevelBarsCount() const | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
GetName() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
GetParentContainer() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
GetPointersCount() const | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | inline |
GetRect() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
GetSelectedTheme() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
GetSubGaugeByID(UINT nID) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
GetSubGauges() const | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | inline |
GetTextFormat() const | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
GetTicksAreaFinishAngle(int nScale=0) const | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
GetTicksAreaStartAngle(int nScale=0) const | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
GetUserData() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
GetValue(int nIndex=0) const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | |
GetVisualEffect() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
GetVisualEffects() const | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
IsAutoDestroy() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
IsClosed(int nScale=0) const | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
IsEditMode() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | |
IsEnabled() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
IsEquidistantLabels(int nScale=0) const | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
IsImageCache() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
IsInteractiveMode() const | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
IsLabelRotation(int nScale=0) const | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
IsSelected() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
IsShapeByTicksArea() const | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | inline |
IsVisible() const | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
ModifyPointer(int nIndex, const CBCGPCircularGaugePointer &pointer, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
Redraw() | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | virtual |
RedrawRect(const CBCGPRect &rect) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | virtual |
RemoveAllColoredRanges(BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
RemoveAllLevelBars(BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
RemoveAllScales(BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
RemoveAllSubGauges() | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
RemoveLevelBar(int nIndex, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
RemovePointer(int nIndex, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
RemoveScale(int nIndex, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | virtual |
RemoveSubGauge(CBCGPGaugeImpl *pGauge) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
RotateScale(double dblDelta, int nScale=0, UINT uiAnimationTime=100, CBCGPAnimationManager::BCGPAnimationType animationType=CBCGPAnimationManager::BCGPANIMATION_Linear) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
SetAutoDestroy(BOOL bAutoDestroy=TRUE) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
SetCapSize(double capSize) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
SetClosedRange(double dblStart, double dblFinish, double dblStartAngle=90, BOOL bDrawLastTickMark=TRUE, BOOL bAnimationThroughStart=TRUE, int nScale=0) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | virtual |
SetColors(CBCGPCircularGaugeColors::BCGP_CIRCULAR_GAUGE_COLOR_THEME theme) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | inline |
SetColors(const CBCGPCircularGaugeColors &colors) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | inline |
SetCornerRadius(double dblCornerRadius, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
SetDataAnimationType(CBCGPAnimationManager::BCGPAnimationType type) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
SetDefaultInteractivePointer(int nPointer) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
SetDefaultInteractiveScale(int nScale) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
SetEditFlags(UINT nFlags) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
SetFillBrush(const CBCGPBrush &brFill, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | |
SetFrameSize(int nFrameSize) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
SetID(UINT nID) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
SetInteractiveMode(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |
SetName(const CString &strName) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
SetScaleOffsetFromFrame(double dblOffsetFromFrame, int nScale=0) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
SetSelected(BOOL bSet=TRUE) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | virtual |
SetTextFormat(const CBCGPTextFormat &textFormat) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | virtual |
SetTickMarkStyle(CBCGPGaugeScaleObject::BCGP_TICKMARK_STYLE style, BOOL bIsMajor, double dblSize=-1., int nScale=0) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | |
SetTicksAreaAngles(double dblStartAngle, double dblFinishAngle, int nScale=0) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | |
SetUserData(DWORD_PTR dwUserData) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
SetValue(double dblVal, int nIndex=0, UINT uiAnimationTime=100, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl | virtual |
SetVisible(BOOL bIsVisible=TRUE, BOOL bRedraw=FALSE) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | inline |
SetVisualEffect(const CBCGPVisualEffect &effect, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPBaseVisualObject | |
SetVisualEffects(const CBCGPGaugeEffects &effects, BOOL bRedraw=TRUE) | CBCGPGaugeImpl | inline |