BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorRendererBase class implements a window-less helper that allows to draw the circular progress indicator inside other controls such as buttons or tabs.

Derive your class from base control class and CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorRendererBase (multiple inheritance), override GetProgressOwnerWindow() method and call DoDrawProgress() within your control drawing method (such as OnPaint).

+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorRendererBase:

Public Member Functions

 DoDrawProgressCall this method to draw a circular progress indicator.
- Public Member Functions inherited from CBCGPGraphicsManagerHelper
 SetGraphicsManagerTypeSpecifies a graphics manager type.

Protected Attributes

 m_CircularProgressThe circular progress indicator implementation.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from CBCGPGraphicsManagerHelper
 DoGraphicsManagerDrawCall this method to initiate a window content drawing using the graphics manager.
 DoGraphicsManagerDrawCall this method to initiate a window content drawing using the graphics manager.