BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPDialogBar class provides the functionality of a docking modeless dialog box.

You can construct a CBCGPDialogBar object in two steps: construct the object in your code and then call Create(). You must specify a valid resource template name or template ID as well as pass a pointer to the parent window, otherwise the creation process will fail. The dialog template must specify that this dialog has WS_CHILD and WS_VISIBLE style. It's also a good idea to specify WS_CLIPCHILDREN and WS_CLIPSIBLINGS styles as well.

See also

Inherits CBCGPDockingControlBar.

Public Member Functions

 AutoResizeControlsEnable auto-resizing check boxes, radio buttons and static labels.
 CreateCreates the Windows dialog bar object and attaches it to CBCGPDialogBar
 CreateCreates the Windows dialog bar object and attaches it to CBCGPDialogBar
 CreateCreates the Windows dialog bar object and attaches it to CBCGPDialogBar
 CreateCreates the Windows dialog bar object and attaches it to CBCGPDialogBar
 EnableLayoutEnables or disables layout manager for a dialog bar.
 EnableVisualManagerStyleAdds visual theme support to the pane
 GetInfoTipControlGets a dialog control with currently active info tip.
 GetLayoutReturns a pointer to layout manager.
 IsAutoPrepareComboListStylesTells whether all child list box and combo boxes should be recreated by adding "owner-draw fixed" and "has strings" Windows styles.
 IsGroupBoxesDrawByParentTells whether group box control is rendered by parent window.
 IsLayoutEnabledTells whether layout management is enabled for a dialog bar.
 IsMFCResourceLayoutTells whether the dialog uses MFC resource (loaded from the dialog resource) layout.
 IsVisualManagerStyleTells whether a window uses visual manager style.
 RemoveInfoTipsRemoves all previously added information tips.
 SetControlInfoTipAdds an information tip to the dialog child control specified by ID.
 SetControlInfoTipAdds an information tip to the dialog child control specified by window.
 SetEditBoxesVerticalAlignmentSpecifies vertical alignment for all edit boxes located on the window (single-line only).
 SetGroupBoxesDrawByParentEnables drawing group box controls by the parent window.