BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPRecurrenceBaseRule is the base class that defines interface that should be implemented by custom rules.

There are four out of the box rules:

  • CBCGPRecurrenceRuleDaily - implements daily rule
  • CBCGPRecurrenceRuleWeekly - implements weekly rule
  • CBCGPRecurrenceRuleMonthly - implements monthly rule
  • CBCGPRecurrenceRuleYearly - implements yearly rule

For these rules the library reserves (defines) the following identifiers:

    See also

Inherits CObject.

Inherited by CBCGPRecurrenceRuleDaily, CBCGPRecurrenceRuleMonthly, CBCGPRecurrenceRuleWeekly, and CBCGPRecurrenceRuleYearly.

Public Member Functions

 CreateCopyClones the rule.
 GetDateStartReturns the start date of the recurrence rule.
 GetIDReturns the recurrence rule ID.
 GetLimitCountReturns the current limit count.
 GetLimitDateReturns the limit date.
 GetLimitTypeReturns the current limit type for the rule.
 GetPropertiesRetrieves the property bag associated with rule.
 GetSiblingEventDayReturns the closest recurrent date following after the specified date.
 GetTimeFinishReturns the end time of the recurrence rule.
 GetTimeStartReturns the start time of the recurrence rule.
 SetDateStartSets the start date for the recurrence rule.
 SetLimitCountSets limit count.
 SetLimitDateSets the limit date.
 SetLimitTypeSets limit type of the rule.
 SetPropertiesApplies the property bag to the rule.
 SetTimeIntervalSets time interval for the recurrence rule.