BCGSuite for MFC
BOOL CBCGPToolBoxEx::AddToolsPage ( LPCTSTR  lpszPageName,
UINT  uiBmpResID,
int  nImageWidth,
LPCTSTR  lpszLabels,
CRuntimeClass *  pPageClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CBCGPToolBoxPage),
CRuntimeClass *  pButtonClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(CBCGPToolBoxButton) 

Adds a new page to the toolbox control.

TRUE if the page was added successfully; otherwise FALSE.

Call this function to add a new page to the extended toolbox control.

The call may look like this

AddToolsPage (_T("Windows Forms"), IDB_TOOLS_PAGE1, 16, _T ("Pointer\nLabel\nButton\nTextBox"));

Where the last parameter specifies the list of labels for tool buttons.

Page and button classes can be customized. If you want to provide your own implementation for toolbox pages, derive a class from CBCGPToolBoxPage and set pPageClass to a pointer to its runtime class info. If you want to provide your own implementation for toolbox buttons, derive a class from CBCGPToolBoxButton and set pButtonClass to a pointer to its runtime class info.

lpszPageNameSpecifies the page name.
uiBmpResIDSpecifies the resource ID of the bitmap with tool images.
nImageWidthSpecifies image width (in pixels).
lpszLabelsContains a list of labels delimited by '
' character.
pPageClassRuntime class information used for dynamic creation of toolbox pages.
pButtonClassRuntime class information used for dynamic creation of buttons.