BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPCircularProgressIndicatorColors class manages Circular progress indicator themes.

An object of this type is embedded into CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl object and should be passed to CBCGPCircularGaugeImpl::SetColors to define a new color scheme.

See also

Public Attributes

 m_brFillGauge fill brush.
 m_brFrameOutlineFrame outline brush
 m_brProgressFillProgress fill brush
 m_brProgressFillGradientProgress fill gradient brush
 m_brProgressFillNonCompleteProgress non-completed part fill brush
 m_brProgressLabelProgress (percentage) label brush.
 m_brProgressLabelTrailingSignProgress (percentage) trailing sign brush.
 m_brProgressOutlineProgress outline brush
 m_brProgressOutlineGradientProgress outline gradient brush
 m_brProgressOutlineNonCompleteProgress non-completed part outline brush
 m_brTextLabelText label brush.