BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

Specifies the light box dialog options. Construct object of this type and pass its pointer to CBCGPLightBoxDialog constructor.

See also

Public Attributes

 m_bCloseLightBoxByClickingOutsideSpecifies whether the LightBox dialog should be closed by clicking outside.
 m_bDisableParentWindowSpecifies whether the whole parent frame is disabled when the light box is displayed.
 m_bDrawFrameShadowSpecifies whether the dialog shadow should be enabled.
 m_CaptionStyleSpecifies LightBox caption style.
 m_clrBorderSpecifies LightBox border color.
 m_clrCaptionSpecifies LightBox caption foreground color.
 m_clrShadingSpecifies application window shading color.
 m_dblDismissTransitionSpeedSpecifies LightBox dismissing transition time (in seconds, default value is 0.2 seconds).
 m_dblShowTransitionSpeedSpecifies LightBox transition time (in seconds, default value is 0.2 seconds).
 m_DismissTransitionAnimationSpecifies LightBox dismissing transition animation.
 m_DismissTransitionTypeSpecifies LightBox dismissing transition type.
 m_LocationSpecifies LightBox location.
 m_nAlphaSpecifies application window shading alpha (0 - 255, default is 100). Set this member to 255 to make an application window fully opaque, 0 - fully transparent.
 m_ShowTransitionAnimationSpecifies LightBox transition animation.
 m_ShowTransitionTypeSpecifies LightBox transition type.