BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPSwitchColors structure manages Switch gauge color themes.

An object of this type is embedded into CBCGPSwitchImpl object and should be passed to CBCGPSwitchImpl::SetColors to define a new color scheme.

Public Member Functions

 IsVisualManagerThemeTells whether gauge was created with a visual manager theme.

Public Attributes

 m_brFillThe fill brush.
 m_brFillOffThe fill brush in the "Off" state.
 m_brFillOnThe fill brush in the "On" state.
 m_brFillThumbThe fill brush of the thumb.
 m_brFocusThe focus rectangle brush.
 m_brLabelOffThe brush of the "Off" text label.
 m_brLabelOnThe brush of the "On" text label.
 m_brOutlineThe outline brush.
 m_brOutlineThumbThe outline brush of the thumb.