BCGSuite for MFC

Detailed Description

The CBCGPPlannerPrint class implements base printing functionality. There are three derived classes, which implement specific printing functionality for each view type (daily, weekly, monthly) and one class that allows to print two columns - day and week.

If you wish to provide your own class for printing, you need to specify the runtime information for this class in CBCGPPlannerManagerCtrl::OnBeginPrinting.

See also
+ Inheritance diagram for CBCGPPlannerPrint:

Public Member Functions

 IsDrawPageFooterTells whether to print page footers, or not.
 IsDrawPageHeaderTells whether to print page header, or not.
 OnPaintCalled from the Planner Control when it needs to print its content or display print preview.
 PreparePrintingCalled from the Planner Control and initializes internal members.
 SetDrawPageFooterSets a parameter which specifies whether to print page footers.
 SetDrawPageHeaderSets a parameter which specifies whether to print page headers.

Protected Member Functions

 DrawAppointmentDraws an appointment.
 OnDrawPageFooterCalled by the framework to print page footers.
 OnDrawPageHeaderCalled by the framework to print page headers.